Ch17: The one month party

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Capper's pov

I lay in bed, curled around Aurora as we slept in the bed. I opened my eyes to see her snuggling her face into the fur on my chest as I licked her cheek and placed my head on her side as she started to stir. "Capper, what are you doing" Aurora asked sleepily as I flicked an ear. "Ssh, just go back to sleep" I whispered. 

"I can stay awake if I want, your way to overprotective. I'm only a few weeks in" she replied as I flicked my tail. "I don't want you or the baby to get hurt" I replied, placing my muzzle next to her neck. "Fine, I'll sleep for a little longer" she sighed before falling back asleep. I sighed and gently got up, trying not to make too much noise. 

I walked into the living room and picked up some of the stuff that littered the floor so that Aurora wouldn't trip on them. I put the books, notebooks, art equipment and even some of Thorn, Moonshadow and Mystic's things, making sure they wouldn't fall on anypony either.

Once I had out everything away, I went into the kitchen and put the stove on. I got some fruit and other ingredients and started to make pancakes. I hummed the back theme of the song that I had sung when I had met the ponies as I cooked the pancakes.

I made about 10 if them before turning the stove off and separating them onto two plates. I took the plates to the table just as I heard Aurora vomiting into the bowl that was beside our bed. I heard her hoofsteps as she walked into the living room.

"I hate this right now" she sighed, heading for the chair. I quickly picked her up and laced her in the chair as she looked at me with a plain face. "You know I can fly right" she pointed out, unfolding her wings to emphasise her point. I gave a sheepish smile as she rolled her eyes and started to eat her pancakes.

Before I was even finished my first pancake, Pinkie appeared out of nowhere, hanging from the ceiling. "Surprise" she yelled, as something exploded and confetti went all over the place. "Pinkie what are you doing here" Aurora asked in confusion. "Well I was really excited about the baby and I wanted to throw a party and I realized that its been one month since the baby was created so I was going to celebrate" Pinkie replied excitedly.

"By breaking into our house" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "How did you even get in here" Aurora asked. "I climbed in through the window" Pinkie replied, pointing over at the window which was open. "Anyway, here is the invitation for it. I invited your grandparents and they said that they are bringing a guest" Pinkie explained, handing me an envelope before bouncing out of the window.


 Aurora's pov

I trotted over to Sugarcube corner as Capper was basically eyeing up every stallion that walked past. I sighed but continued to walk anyway as we reached Sugarcube corner. I pushed open the door and was instantly met with a hug. "Oh congrats on the baby" I heard a familiar voice say as I smiled.

"Sapphire, Platinum, you came. But I haven't told you about the baby yet so how did you know" I asked confused. "Oh, Pinkie pie told us" Platinum replied, gesturing over to Pinkie who was very excited. "Oh and we have somepony we want you to meet. Moonstone come here" Sapphire explained. A light blue Pegasus with a silvery grey mane walked over. 

"Who are you" I asked, tilting my head. "I'm Moonstone Sorbet" he introduced, extending a hoof for me to shake. I shook his hoof before looking at my grandparents. "I don't understand who this is" I pointed out. "Well Moonstone here is actually your cousin from your father's side" Platinum explained. 

"Yeah, my mum was related to Artic feathers although she dies during my birth" Moonstone explained. "Oh I'm sorry about that" I apologized. "Don't its not your fault but I heard that your having a baby" Moonstone replied.

"Yeah I am" I replied. "So I'm guessing that cat in the red coat is the father" Moonstone asked, pointing over at Capper who was talking with Tempest although he kept looking over at us. "Yes. That's Capper" I explained. "Does he not like me because he keeps looking over here" Moonstone asked. "No, he is just worried about me that's all" I replied.

"Who's the pony that he's talking too. She's kind of cute" Moonstone asked, gesturing to Tempest. "Oh that's Tempest. She's a friend. How about I introduce the two of you" I asked as he nodded.

We trotted over and I smiled as Tempest turned to us. "Hey Tempest, I wanted to introduce you to my cousin, Moonstone" I introduced as he bowed in front of Tempest. Tempest put her ears down and blushed a little before coming back to her senses. "Its nice to meet you Tempest" Moonstone spoke.

"Tempest isn't my real name but I just go by that name" Tempest replied. "What's your real name" Moonstone asked as I stood next to Capper and smiled as he looked at me confused. "Why are you smiling. I rolled my eyes and gestured for him to bend down as he did. "Moonstone thinks Tempest is cute and Tempest blushed when he bowed to her" I whispered as Capper did on O shape with his mouth.

I laughed and went back to watching the two of them chatting away for the rest of the party although I did need to go to the kitchen or bathroom a few times. Other than that it was pretty fun for a small party. 

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