Ch.14 (Waking up next to him)

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Adi's POV:
It's about 3:00 am now, both of you still in the same position and the tv is still on. You decide to get up to turn off the t.v and sleep on the couch when Gaby wakes up and tugs your arm.
Gaby- "where are you going"
Adi- "I'm gonna turn off the tv" you say as you then lie on a couch in her room.
Gaby- "no don't do that get back over here"
Adi- "Gaby that's wrong"
Gaby- "Adi I don't mind" you say with a cute smile.
Adi- "well if you way so"
After that she puts her head on your chest and wraps her arms around you. (Kinda like she's giving him a hug but instead they are asleep lol)

6:00 am- (morning) Gaby's POV:
You wake up in the same position you fell asleep. You head into your bathroom meanwhile Adi was still asleep. He's a guy so it's not like he has to do his hair of makeup. You figured you'd let him sleep a little longer before waking him up for school. Then hop in the shower. You wash your hair since you went in the pool last night with all that chlorine. The good thing about your bathroom is that it's sound proof, so Adi wouldn't hear the shower running and wake up.

Adi's POV:
You wake up on Gaby's bed at around 6:30 am, but where is she? You open the door to the bathroom not realizing she was in it.

Gaby's POV:
Your mid way shower as you see the door open and Adi slightly peep in.
Adi- "oh shit I'm sorry" Adi says as he quickly shuts the door."
Gaby- just stays speechless. *Did Adi just see me naked?*
After your shower you dry yourself up and realize you don't have your clothes in the bathroom. *great now I have to go out there in a towel* you do it anyways. You walk out of the bathroom and see Adi with his hands in his face.
Adi- "Gaby I'm so sorry" he says with embarrassment.
Gaby- "it's cool."
Adi- "I'm so sor" he cuts himself off . "Wait what?"
Gaby- " I said it's ok I don't care" you say as you laugh.
Adi- "how are you so calm I just saw you naked?!"
Gaby- "it wouldn't be the first time a guy saw me naked..."
Adi- "oh really?'' Adi smiles.
Gaby- "I'm kidding dude."
Adi- "so we're cool?"
Gaby- "yeah." You say giving him a long hug.
As you hug him he grabs you and throws you on the bed. He hovers over you and kisses you lightly.
Adi- "oh crap that hickey looks pretty bad"
Gaby-"wait what?"
You run to the bathroom. *omg I forgot! I have to cover it up with concealer. I'll do it before I leave for school* you then go to your closet and pick out an outfit.

 I'll do it before I leave for school* you then go to your closet and pick out an outfit

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Then you do your hair and makeup. After Adi puts on his clothes from yesterday and brushes his teeth with an extra toothbrush you have. You hop in his car and head to school. You get there 10 minutes later.
Nick- "well hey guys" nick says with a smirk.
Gaby- "hey"
Adi- "where's Jojo and Cenna?"
Nick- "they are running late."
Adi- "oh ok"
Nick- "hey Gaby what is that on your neck?" Nick asks already knowing the answer."
Gaby- "oh shit. Adi I told you the remind me to cover it"
Adi- "I'm sorry I forgot"
Nick- "well what were you two doing last night?"
"Nothing" You say simultaneously.
Nick- "well if you say so"
Bell rings-

Hey guys:) So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll have a better one tomorrow! Give me ideas and suggestions on what you would like to see in this fanfiction. Xoxo~aestheticadii

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