Chapter 2

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''Hi Nugget,'' Aaron said. Y/N hugs Aaron tightly.'' Omg omg, I can't believe it's you!'' she said while hugging Aaron to death. ''Ok...ok...I" He said while trying to breathe. Maybe if Y/n squeezed Aaron harder then she would probably make his eyeballs pop out. She let go, "Ya...Sorry", She chuckled after saying that. Aphmau still confused said, "you two know each other?" Aphmau asked with confusion. "Ya she is my little sister I have told you about Aph," Aaron said.

"Well I've got big brown boxes inside a truck that I still haven't unpacked yet so I'm going to go do that'' Y/n said. ''Wait up! Let me help you!'' Aaron said to me, running. The inside was huge I mean there was nothing in there yet, except boxes but other than it looked huge to me. Aaron found my violin, keyboard, and microphone.

He asked me, " You play the violin and piano? Well I mean I knew about the piano but violin?!"I replied, '' Ya bu-'' He cut me off, ''And a microphone? Woah I never knew this about you. This tells me I don't hang out with you much.'' I responded, ''Well we haven't hung out in years because of college and stuff .'' I realized something and asked " Is Aphmau your girlfriend'' I smirked while saying that. He blushed. '' Not my girlfriend'' ''Then why are you blushing'' I was starting to giggle. ''I don't know!!'' He was blushing alright...HARD. "Stop teasing that's my job!'' he noted '' Well I took that job!'' I was dying at this point. This is why I love him.

We start to focus more on unpacking the boxes and putting them in place and the furniture. I soon saw that we weren't even half...halfway done! Aaron and I soon grew tired of lifting and unpacking. Aaron came up with an idea and ran out that door almost collapsing because of the weariness. He came back with 4 guys. One guy with white hair and emerald eyes came up to me and said '' Hey baby~ the name's Travis and my what a fine bu-'' before he could say anything Aaron smacked him. I mean what was he going to say? While Travis is on the floor owing in pain of Aaron smacking him the other guys got a death glared delivered by Aaron. The guy with brown hair and light blue eyes introduced himself '' Hi I'm Laurence.'' Then the guy with blonde hair and blue eyes said '' I'm Garroth.'' Finally, the guy with blue hair and blue eyes said '' I'm Dante.'' Now I have to introduce myself now or did Aaron say my name already? Ugh who cares if he said it already I'm saying it ''I'm Y/N nice to meet you all''

I totally forgot why they were here for... well I never knew in the first place. Aaron spoke '' Alright you guys will help us unpack her stuff because boy she has so much stu-''I punch Aaron on the shoulder before he could finish. ''Oww'' He said while holding the spot I hit him in. I told them the spots where to put the furniture and where goes where. Soon we were done with unpacking, my room looked cool. I just hope they weren't in the box where my clothes because they could have seen my...never mind just don't think like that. They all left except Aaron. Maybe he wants to tell me something?

''Hey Y/N Aph told me to tell you that she would like you over at her house for a sleepover so you can interact with people.'' Aaron said ''Well ok I mean I have nothing else productive to do...Oh, wait I do and that thing is sleeping because I'm tired'' I told him. Aaron replied ''I said sleepover Aphmau's house, sleepover! S-L-E-E-P O-V-E-R! What don't you get?'' I added '' I'm only teasing I'm not dumb!" I ran upstairs to change into my pajamas I wore this outfit

 Aaron replied ''I said sleepover Aphmau's house, sleepover! S-L-E-E-P O-V-E-R! What don't you get?'' I added '' I'm only teasing I'm not dumb!" I ran upstairs to change into my pajamas I wore this outfit

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I love this pajama because it looks cute, well to me. Even though I hate the color pink this is still cute. After I changed, I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through Minegram (Clever I know right I bet other people came up with this name . Ok back to the story ) while waiting for Aphmau to text me to come over which is good for me because that gives me more time to read "Avoiding Alpha'' by Aileen Erin, which is a great book may I add. A few minutes pass by until Aph texts me

(A=Aphmau)(Y= You)

A: Hey Y/N you can come over now I have everything ready for the sleepover :3

Y: Alright I'm coming over

A: Ok see you there 😉

Y: see ya there

I turn off my phone and grab my bag then leave the house with Aaron because I don't know where she lives. First of all, can I say something? I love Aaron's pajamas he has no shirt but has a jacket and has red plaid pajama pants. Wait for a second..."Aaron Lycan come over here! Yesterday, you weren't wearing a shirt only jacket but unzipped and you don't tell me to do that too!?'' I yelled, " I mean you can't because then you will be only wearing a bra and that won't make me too happy'' He explained. We got to her house. It was huge, sandstone color wall, gray color roof. It's hard to imagine that she is living here alone here, there must be someone else living here. We knocked on Aphmau's door

Aphmau POV

I heard a knock on the door. I bet it is Y/N and Aaron. I walked over to the door and open it. ''Hey Y/N and Aaron! Come on in!'' I did a gesture while saying that. I lead them to the living room where everyone was. I thought to myself, AHHHHHHHH AARON HAS NO SHIRT ON UIGSUYKAH, But I prevented myself from saying that out loud. Just imagine if I said that out loud, that would be embarrassing...especially if I had a nosebleed after saying that. So now I'm going to introduce Y/N to the girls "Y/N the girl with pink hair and orange eyes is Kawaii~Chan'' I said ''Nice to meet you Y/N~sama'' Kawaii~Chan spoke, sweetly. ''The girl with light blue hair and light blue eyes is Katelyn'' I said ''Nice to meet you, Y/N'' Katelyn said. "The girl with orange hair and red eyes is Lucinda'' I spoke again ''Hello Y/N'' Lucinda spoke. ''The girl with red hair and gray eyes is Nicole'' I spoke once again ''Hey Y/N! Nice to meet you'' Nicole added. "And finally the girl with orange and red ombre and light blue eyes is Cadenza'' I spoke ''Nice to meet ya Y/N'' Cadenza said. ''Ok, now that I have introduced everyone to you we can start the sleepover!''


Jeez I wrote this yesterday and today in the morning a bit and I'm proud of myself that I wrote 1162 word of the story (not including this) Sorry updates have been slow, to be honest I felt like my story wouldn't be good and would end too quickly but, now I said No I'm going to get my laptop and write this story. I don't know when I'll be posting I'm doing as soon as I'm done, publish then continue the next chapter but seriously last time I wrote was a tiny bit  I added the music last time cause I was lazy and thought it was good now I look at it, this is an improvement! Well goodbye my peeps :3

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