Chapter 11

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We went inside and my mouth dropped. Like the girls and I said, it was huge! I started fangirling. " Ha ha! I can't believe I'm here! It's so cool!!" I squealed as I pumped my fist into the air. I turned around and saw Aaron smirking. " What? Can I not fangirl in here?" I asked Aaron. Aaron still didn't say anything so I rolled my eyes. I wonder why he was smirking.

" Katelyn~Sama! We have to do the para para contest!!" Kawaii~Chan squealed. I swear one day I will die of her squealing. " Can we just run in and be happy?" Katelyn asked. I nodded and Katelyn ran in. I giggled. I waved them good-bye until we happen to see each other at the con. I looked around and was amazed at how good they did the place.

Oh my god! This place has so many things to check out! I turned around and saw that there were reenacting some Fairy Tail scenes. I just had to watch it: they had intricate costumes, it was so cool! I realized they had no Lucy. An idea popped up in my head. I will be in this scene! I entered and started roleplaying with them. Once we were done, I walked away and gawked at the other stands around me. Until, I felt as though someone was following me. I started walking around: to shake him off my tail.

I soon heard footsteps running towards me. I soon ran into the bathroom: he may be a boy. I ran in a stall and locked it. I prepared myself and to be honest, what if there was no one following me and I was being paranoid. I can't let those thoughts keep my guard down. The thoughts of what if flowed in my mind. Wait... What if my eyes go red. I was scared. No, frightened for my life. Who am I kidding, It may Aaden or Aaron. Maybe they're pulling a prank on me.

Ya, maybe a prank. I may just be paranoid after all of those scary movies I have been watching as of late. Ugh! I am probably insane from watching those scary movies. I may write fanfiction about my favorite fantasy shows, but at this point paranoid. I heard some footsteps, slowly pacing the floors. " I know you're in here! So give up!" The person yelled.

I noticed the footsteps got closer and closer to my stall. I closed my eyes tight. Then I realized, that voice seemed familiar. Where have I heard this voice? The person checked my stall and noticed it was locked. Then, the person kicked the door. The door hit me in the face leaving me unconscious. Still, who was that person?

Aaden POV

I found Y/N, gawking at the booths around her. Wait- This isn't stalking right? Nah! This is just admiring her from afar and fantasizing about her and I. I saw a person close to her. At first I didn't think anything of it. I saw her body language change. She probably spotted me. I started to get close to them. I followed them and then I lost Y/N.

To be honest, is it weird to cosplay as Natsu and spying on Y/N, who is cosplaying as Lucy? I mean, wouldn't Natsu do that? I think so. The person went in the bathroom. I hope Y/N wasn't in there. I also hope that it wasn't a boy because that would be perverted of them to do so. I went sneaking near the bathroom. Then, I heard a thud. It had to be a door of some kind. I didn't want to go in there because I am a gentlemen. Maybe I should text Katelyn! No, I forgot, she's doing the para para contest with Kawaii~Chan. There's Lucinda... Maybe not the best choice. Cadenza might do it. Oh! I know!

I believe Aphmau can do it. If I told Aaron I was admiring her, I would be hunted down. Just the thought of that. I grew goosebumps at the thought of that and shivered.

( Aaden=A)( Aphmau=Aph)

A: Hey Aphmau I think I need your help. It's Y/N

Aph: OoO! Are you going to confess your feeling?!

A: What?! I don't have feelings for her! It's not that! I just think she's in trouble.

Aph: In trouble...And how do you know this information? HMMMM

A: I just saw someone was following her and then chased her down in the bathroom. Then, I freaking heard a thud like a door, like how Garroth would break down a door.

Aph: Who else have you told this to?

A: Just you.

Aph: Why can't you tell Aaron? I mean, I'm available to come over to where you are but, why haven't you told anyone else?

A: Because it happened in the girls bathroom and I don't want to go in there!

Aph: Ok

A: Thanks Aphmau! :D

Aph: No Problem! Let's just hope you are not paranoid.

A: :D

( ~~ End of Conversation~~)


I woke up with the feeling of uncomfortable so I tried to move but my hands were in handcuffs. " I see you're awake." The familiar voice concluded. " Who are you?!" I yelled out. " Ah! So you see, I'll tell you once we have our marriage." The person stated. " Why would I marry you?! Why would I marry a stranger?!" I yelled-asked. " So you see, I'm not a stranger to you." The person smirked. The voice sounds like a man around my age.

" I-I know you?" I asked. " Yes. I know you from high school to college." The man said. " Why do you want me?!" I asked once more. " I told you to be my bride." The man calmly declared. " What if I said no." I questioned. " Then I have one secret that no one else knows about you." The man walked up closer to me. He was cosplaying as spider-man.

" What do you mean?" I asked. My body tensed up. " Don't play dumb! I know that you're an ultima!" He yelled. I perked up and my eyes wide open. He cackled. " I mean that bandana that you wore in college. We dated in college. That's your on hint to find out who I am." He smirked. Oh my god! I know who he is! " I am sure-hence your body language, that you know who I am. I am..." He trailed off.


Author's Note

I am sorry for the cliff hanger! I just had to! Anyways! I know why I haven't been posting a lot lately. It's music. I need music and meditation. I had a writer's block but then I meditated and heard a song at the same time and came up with ideas for season 4!!! Yes, season 4 or book 4, however you want to call it! By the way if you wanted to know the song, I added the media. I know its Naruto but, its peaceful...without the words XD. It's still peaceful with the words too. I just closed my eyes and pictures popped up in my head. Anyways! This chapter was 1093 words, the Author's Note is not included or the part that says cliff hanger. Bye~- Star/ Author~Chan :P

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