Chapter 12

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" I'm sure- hence your body language, that you know who I am. I am..." He trailed off. " You're Jax..." I assumed. " Correct. I guess there is no use to have my costume mask on." Jax said while taking off his mask. " So, what are you going to do with me right now?" I asked. " I may take you out to see someone." Jax added. " And who would that be?" I asked. I started to unlock my handcuffs with my bobby pin that I happen to have for situations where I am in handcuffs.

" I noticed that you're shifting a lot. I'm sorry that you have to be sitting in this position my fiancé." Jax moved closer to my face as he said that. I turned my head away from him. He put his hand on my chin and turned my head. " What's wrong?" Jax asked. " Well, I'm in handcuffs and pretty uncomfortable." I said. I was secretly still unlocking my handcuffs. I just really hope that when I unlock it, it won't make any noise. " Well, I'm sorry sweetie. I am going to the bathroom." Jax said while leaving into a door. I am just hoping they are starting to find me. I need them to find me. I hope they come soon.

Aaden POV

I am pacing around the floor. In the distance I see Aphmau and Aaron looking around. I waved my arm in the air to show them where I am. Aaron came running over. " Okay, where is my sister?" Aaron asked, staring at me. " She's in the women's bathroom. That's why I called over Aphmau; To make sure she's O.K." I replied. " I'll go to the bathroom to check it out." Aphmau added. Aphmau went in the bathroom. " Guys..." Aphmau trailed off. " What happened?!" Aaron asked. " The door o-of the stall is broken...Oh my god and I see some blood but not much! I don't see Y/N in here." Aphmau trembled.

Aaron was worrisome. " I found something! It's her whip! It's in the air vent but hung." Aph exclaimed. " And this really had to happen on our 1 year anniversary. I only joked with Y/N that we weren't together." Aaron whined. Aaron seemed to look around. I saw him sniff. I thought he was crying but he wasn't. Oh geez Y/N, where are you?


He was still in the bathroom. I continued to pick the lock. I soon felt that my hands were free. I got up and looked around. I sniffed a way out. The only way to go were the vents so I opened the vent cover. Until, I heard footsteps coming and I jumped to the corner of the wall and started climbing. My feet were on this corner, but luckily they had a shelf so I stood on it. " WHAT!? SHE ESCAPED?!" Jax yelled. Jax looked around and saw the vent was open. I held my breath. He went in the vent and started crawling. I jumped down as soon as I heard the crawling was far away.

I went in the direction of the bathroom. I looked for a door out because how did he go in or out of here. I saw a door, but it was locked. I picked at the lock and the door opened. I found my phone on the floor as I was closing it. I picked it up and instantly called the police. I told them everything. I ran out and texted Aaron

Y: Hello?! You there?!

A: Oh my god! You're safe?! Where are you?!

Y: Using my knowledge on movies I had a bobby pin and used it.

A: Oh thank god! No one hurt you right?!

Y: No, I escaped when Jax left to go to the bathroom.

A: Jax?! What do you mean?!

Y: Jax knows I am an Ultima.

A: Are you serious?!

Y: I'm not kidding. I have called the police

A: Ok good.

Y: I'm not sure they'll believe Jax saying I'm an Ultima

A: I'm sure as well.

Y: So, where are you?

A: I'm near the bathroom you went in before he captured you

Y: Ok, I'm on my way


I was on my way until I saw someone looking at me then running towards me. I was frightened at first until I looked closer and I saw it was Aaden! I ran to him crying. He was shocked to see me cry. To the other people looking, their ship may be sailing. I looked up and wiped my tears. I cleared my throat. " It's okay you can cry, even though you're safe." Aaden said and smiled at me.

" Look, right now may not be the time to tell you this, but remember when Lucinda asked me if I had a crush?" I asked. Aaden nodded. I felt my face go red. " Well, I-I do have a c-crush and he's standing in front of me." I stated while hitting my index fingers together. Aaden looked shocked. I closed my eyes. " So, what I'm trying to say is..." I paused and took a deep breath. " I'm...I'm...I'm...(I'm A goofy goober! ROCK! Jk jk, That's what came in my head sorry) I'm in love with you!" I exclaimed loud enough so that only Aaden can hear me.

I had my eyes closed. My fist were closed. I felt something warm on my lips. I opened my eyes. Aaden kissed me! If I can do a dance right now. I would do it. I kissed back. We stopped kissing. " You realize that was my first kiss right?" Aaden noted. " It was mine too." I smiled. I heard footsteps running. I turned around and saw Aaron and the police with him.Aaron came and hugged me. " It's ok, I'm alright." I assured him.

Three Days Later...

Well, I'm at my home, chilling. Jax was found by the police and sent to jail for second-degree kidnapping. I'm packing to go to the lodge to fix it up. Lucinda, Kim, Garroth, Aaron, and I are going. I mean, what could go wrong?

Author's Note

This story is completed and I will make a sequel to this story. First, I will make a Christmas story to this. It will be a canon to the second book. This was 1040 words- the author's note not included. Bye~-Star/Author~Chan

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