Chapter 9

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I looked inside my suitcase to make sure my costumes were there. Luckily, they were there. I hopped into the bed, my back on the bed. I stared at the ceiling and sighed. " IM SO BORED!!" I yelled. Aaron fell on his butt from me yelling. " Jeez! Can you not scream?!" Aaron asked me. I giggled. A-Con day one is tomorrow. I'm hyped for that. " Sorry, I'm just excited, that's all." I apologized. " So, who was your crush in the story you were telling, and when did it happen?" Aaron asked out of the blue. I shot up from the bed into a sitting position and stared at him. " Huh?! Why would you want to know about that?" I asked. " Well, I was just wondering." Aaron replied. I sighed and still stared at him. " Fine, you promise not to tell anyone?" I asked. " Promise." Aaron said. " Ok, it was Aaden. I told him my freshmen year of high school." I smiled. " Oh. Nice." Aaron smiled back.

" Is anyone else going to room with us?" I questioned. " No. It's just the both of us." Aaron assured. " Ok, Aaron can you show me your costume?" I asked another question. " Not until tomorrow." He added. I pouted my lips. " Fine." I said. I got bored instantly so I pulled out my phone. That is until someone knocked on the door. Aaron and I looked at each other and back to the door and both of us ran to the door to see who would get there first. I, of course, got there first. I opened the door and saw it was Aaden, Lucinda, Garroth, and Laurence. " H-hey guys, what are you doing here?" I looked at them with a surprised look on my face.

" We just want to come and talk to you guys." Laurence replied to my question. " Why?" I continued. " We were just bored." Garroth added. " Oh, well come in." I gestured inside the room. They came inside the room and had a conversation with Aaron and I. " So have you guys have any, how do I put this. Crushes in your life right now?" Laurence asked. " Hmm, come to think of it, maybe? I MEAN NO." I replied. I went from a potato to a tomato in 3 seconds flat, new record. " I mean I never said yes or maybe but I just did and it was a no but I said yes by accident and... I'll shut up now!" I awkwardly continued.

Aaron burst out, laughing hysterically. Then the others joined him. I was not laughing but, blushing. " Who's your crush?" Aaden asked. I was shocked at the question he had asked. I nodded my head, gesturing ' no'. Surprisingly, no one heard the question Aaden asked over the laughter in the room. I stood up and went near the window and stared through it to see the convention right across the hotel. I though of the song Little Do You Know by Alex & Sierra. The song popped up in my head maybe because it reminds me of how I feel about Aaden. I will never have the guts to tell him how I feel. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I noticed it was Aaron's. " Are you alright?" Aaron asked. " Ya" I chuckled. " So, nice talking with you guys!" Lucinda yelled while leaving. " Ya! Come anytime you want!" I yelled back.

I sighed and laid down on the bed. " Ok, what's wrong?" Aaron asked. " What do you mean?" I asked. " Was your crush in this room?" Aaron softly asked. " What do you mean I don't have a crush!" I yelled in a high pitched voice and also shot up in a sitting position. " Mhm, I think you have a crush on Aaden." Aaron assumed. " And I think you have a crush on Aphmau." I smirked. " So your not denying it?" Aaron smirked back. " I'm going to let you believe whatever you want but for the record I don't like anyone." I walked around, still with my smirk. " Aw man! You're leaving me on a cliff hanger! Now I don't know if you have a crush!" Aaron yelled. " Sorry!" I giggled.

There was a moment of silence and I broke that silence. " Do you want to sing with me?" I asked. " I don't know..." Aaron was unsure. " Come on! This is like a sister-brother bonding moment!" I mentioned. He had uncertainty look on his face. " Fine." Aaron gave up. I giggled. " I'll pick a song" I said. " No! I'll pick one!" Aaron took away my phone and threw it on the bed and pulled out his phone. " Oh it's on!" I yelled. I scrambled to get my phone then to pick a song.

Then it hit me. All of my watching of Glee on Netflix have paid off. " I'm singing ' A Thousand Years' but the Glee version of it!" I yelled in his face. " Man, I wanted to find a good song first." Aaron chuckled. " Have I told you how much I missed you?" I asked him with my smiling face. " Not enough." Aaron smirked. " Hey!" I laughed. " So, want to go say ' hi' to everyone or go to sleep because being in that car makes me sleepy." I rubbed my eyes. " How about you take a nap and I go say ' hi' to everyone. Or you can kill me for not letting you sleep." He mumbled that last part. " What was that last part?" I asked, walking towards him. " Nothing!! Please don't kill me!!" Aaron begged. " Ok, I'll spare you. Anyways, I'm taking a nap. See ya." I said while jumping on the bed then laying down. " See ya." Aaron closed the door. I was slowly falling asleep. Then, I actually fell asleep.

Author's Note

I am sorry! School is catching up to me. I also got sick. Anyways! This was 1018 words. Bye~- Star/Author~Chan.

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