Chapter 4

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Aph began to count to three... One... Two... Three GO!! We ran to the fridge to get the stuff we needed. I got the secret ingredient. I started cooking at getting the pot ready and put water in. I saw that Aaron was at that part too. Laurence was a little behind but caught up. I started stirring. Then switched stations and started preparing the vegetables. I cut so quickly that I almost cut myself. I switched again this time to put the vegetables in stirring then adding spices, pepper, and salt. (I don't actually know how to cook so I'm making this up) I glance to Laurence's side to see him waiting, what a slacker. Now I'm trying to cook the greatest soup that any of them tasted. I put in cooked beef and stir, trying not to burn myself. Waited a bit for the meat to catch flavor of the soup. Then I grab my oven mitts and put the pot to the serving station. I go back to turn off the stove and back to serving station. I grab bowls and fill them with my soup. I put it next to the judges. First, Aphmau tasted the soup. Once she tried, she kept eat the soup until she finished the soup. Aphmau looked sad because she ate it all.

~~Time Skip To The Results~~

Aphmau said " We have talked about it and we have decided who the winner is." There was a dramatic pause like America's Got Talent when they are announcing who wins the 1 million dollars. 10 seconds have passed by and still dramatic pause. 10 more seconds still no answer. At this point, Laurence, Aaron, and I are looking at each other like when is she going to say it. Until Aphmau says" Y/N WINS!!'' Aphmau yelled. I yell out '' You just got beaten by a girl!" I ran outside the house, running in circles. I come inside "Ok, I'm done gloating'' I said, out of breath. ''Alright, what's next?'' Aaron asked. "I mean Y/N can sing again or we can just sleep." Lucinda said. "I vote sleep" I demanded. I rather not sing after my eyes turned red because what if it happened again, maybe later. We all decided that we sleep. Boys slept in the living room while girls in the bedrooms because it was a girl house so girl bedrooms but we felt bad so Aphmau and I slept in her room, Nicole, Katelyn, and Lucinda slept in Katelyn's room and Kawaii~Chan and Cadenza went to Kawaii~Chan's room. Aphmau and I were talking.

''Hey Aphmau. Do you like Aaron?'' I asked. Aphmau got flustered and said '' I- Uh Maybe Yes? No? Yes..." "Well you two should get together give it a shot." I responded. Those two would make a cute couple. I want what's best for my big brother. I feel like Aphmau is the one for my brother. I don't want what happened to me happen to him. ''Well, we did talk about it and we said we would wait.'' Aphmau let out a sigh. That made me realize how much she wanted to be with him. ''I heard you two have history together, I mean I kind of knew it, just a tiny bit. Before he went to college, he would talk about you with me. He would play his online game everyday, because of you. So, can you tell me about your history together?'' I asked

I know it wasn't my place to ask this kind of question. I mean it's their business but she told me anyway ''I was a freshman, I knew nobody there because I was homeschooled. I met him online. We played together, soon we would text each other. I called him FC and he called me Shu. We did that because we didn't want to say our names even though both of us knew those weren't actual names, so nicknames. In high school, I had a lot of problems so I would talk to him about. I met Aaron in real life, since I didn't know he was FC, he would be a mean senior I didn't know. Until, two guys were avoiding me and they were my friends, Garroth and Laurence, I went to the music room, crying, and texted FC. I heard echos , I thought were from my phone, from behind the door a person told me if I was getting texts, we kept texting about the echos. I knew that he was behind the door. The person opened it and it was Aaron. We were both confused. The next day, everybody was confused because we hated each other. It was funny because everyone thought we were dating. We even went to prom together. Until, he left for college. We haven't come in contact for 2 years. I went to college for a week (OMG I HAVE TO SEE IF APHMAU MADE A VID HOLD UP... 2 minutes later... Ok she hasn't made it continue) for orientation week. The last day I saw him again. Fast forward a couple of year and here we are."

I was surprised on how they met, so different from how I met Jax. I still hate that douchebag. "I want to cook up some bacon, egg, cheese sandwich for breakfast." I noted. "Jeez! Don't talk about it now! You're going make me hungry!'' She whispered yelled. I laughed. I would love her to be my brother's girlfriend. She is so... I don't know how to describe it. Maybe a warm, delightful feeling. A few minutes later, Aphmau was asleep. I'm, somehow, still awake and I don't know why. I got a text. I went through the dark room, trying not to knock over something. I see my F/C phone case. I tip-toed back to my comfortable blanket. I see a text from an unknown number. I look at the text it said " Hey Y/N, It is me Jax.''


OOOOOH this is getting good. I feel it. I can't believe I wrote 3 chapters in one day!! I can't believe I did that haha because I have no life XD. This is 1000 words, this not included. I know what you're thinking, Why does the last chapter have 2000 word and not this one? Well it's because the last one had a song, which took up at least 500 words and I was at about 400. Originally it was suppose it be 1000 words a chapter but the song was a lot and it got to 900 and I felt bad so I was going to do 1400 words but then I'm like No! I'm going to do 2000 words that my goal. So it won't turn out like the first chapter. So I'm probably not going to take a break because this is what I do on my free time/ most of the day plus music. I usually hear music like right now as I'm writing this I am hearing Smooth Criminal by Glee, which is the music from the last chapter and the second chapter also this chapter. I am letting it replay again and again so many times until a chapter is done.

Ok bye peeps-Star/Author~Chan

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