Chapter 5

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I looked at the text " Hi Y/N, It's Jax." I read the text once more to make sure it was actually him. Why was he texting me? Especially when it's night and I'm about to sleep. A feeling was telling me to text him, but I didn't want to. At. All. Should I text him or not? I didn't like this at all, so I sent him a text, being a bit rude. " What do you want? And why text me now?" I texted back. " Look. I'm sorry. For taking you for granted. I text you now because I was thinking about you."  He texted back. Ugh, he's thinking about me, that's creepy... well to me at least. I didn't want to hear...or see him again and his texts.

" Well, that's creepy and I don't hear you nor see you" I was about to text that until I thought lemme use one of the text lines from ex's. I erased that text and text " One, you cheated on me Two, I hate you and Three, You are dead to me." That was a good text. He should feel bad about cheating on me. I even gave my heart to him! And you know what he did with it? Threw it away. He threw it away. I spent many days grieving about it. He was my first boyfriend. Good thing we have never had our first kiss together, or even mine.

" Ok, fine. But I know where you moved to because of your brother. So I'm coming there and I will change." WHAT?! AARON TOLD HIM WHERE I LIVE?! "What?! Aaron told you?!" I texted him back. If he did, I would be killing Aaron while he is peacefully. "No, I just happen to know where he lives and I see your pics on Minegram and it's on the street where Aaron lives." He texted back. Oh poop. I swear I will have a metal bat at the door. In the morning, but I need my sleep so I'm just get comfortable and sleep and let my mind drift into slumber.

~In the morning~

I got up and changed. I was so groggy that I completely forgot what happened last night. I was going to have to be prepared with a bat. I grabbed a bat from the closet, that I somehow had with me. I brought it with me to the kitchen and started cooking bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich. I grabbed a plate for everyone and put the sandwiches on the counter. I waited for everyone to be awake. I felt sleepy Aaron hug me from behind. " Good morning" He said tiringly. " Morning." I replied back to him. " I cooked breakfast" I added. " Aww, I wanted to cook breakfast!" He said sadly.

I looked at the floor and zoned out thinking about what happened last night. Is he really going to come here? If he is, I have the bat to hit him in the head and send him home. I really don't care about him. What if he did change? Are you serious I am not going to lend him my heart. To fool me again, humph, no thank you. " Why is there a bat here?" Aaron asked. " I- uh" I paused. I don't want him to worry about it. He'll also freak if he knows. I care about him so much to let him know about...ya. "I was sleep walking- ya sleep walking that's it" I lied to him. I can't believe I lied to him. I have to tell him! But I don't want to. Ugh! I hate making decisions. Well, in life you have to make some.

" I'm sorry, I lied... I dated this guy in high school, even though I had my bodyguards behind me all the time like you. His name was Jax and he cheated on me and yesterday he texted me saying that he wants me back and its kind of creepy that he's coming here possibly today and that's why I have the bat and why I zoned out after Kawaii~Chan's question,  I moved here and he says he knows where I live because of my pics with you and he happens to the street you live in which is this street!" I said it quickly and loudly by accident. I got so afraid. I don't think he understood me by how quickly I said that whole chunk of words. He looked worried, just as I thought he would be if I told him.

" Look, I'll help you if you need it with Jax ok? I have an idea to make you forget about it." I saw the girls fall down the stairs and the guys slip and fall on their butts. I don't know how they slipped at the same time but they did. They all knew what Aaron was thinking. " Pool party!!" They all yelled out at the same time. I got real embarrassed because I think they heard what I said by me yelling everything I told Aaron. They all started eating talking while I got really light headed because of stress " Aaron, I'm not feeling to hot." I started walking, almost falling over. Garroth and Laurence helped me on the couch to lay down. They both had their worried faces. I bet Aaron got really overprotective because I can hear him scolding Garroth and Laurence about not getting ideas. I feel asleep. A few minutes later, I was in my room and fine. I saw Travis and Dante. "Hey, cutie your awake!" Travis said happily. "Ya finally." Dante told me. "Everyone is at the Pool party at Aph's house, you should go and change into your bathing suit." Travis added. " Ya, I'm going to go change. Don't be perverted and go see me change, Travis." I asked him not to do it. I went to change to my bathing suit.

 I went to change to my bathing suit

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This looked to me. I put my outfit over the bathing suit and brought a towel with me. Let's go to the pool party! Travis and Dante were talking while we were going to Aph's house.

Author's Note

Sorry this is late, I had a crap ton of homework so ya. If you didn't know I have another book on my page. So I will not post another Aaron's sister. Although i might have it early. So byee :3-Star/Author~Chan

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