Chapter 8

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I am happy he's here. I stood up and I held my hand out so I can help him up. I heard a squeal from Kawaii~Chan. " Jeez Kawaii~Chan! Why did you have to squeal so loud? I think you made everyone deaf, including yourself." I asked. " Kawaii~Chan is sorry. She screamed because she has exciting news!" Kawaii~Chan apologized. " What's the news?" Aphmau asked. " There's Anime-Con!" Kawaii~Chan yelled happily. " What really?!" Katelyn asked. " Yup!" Kawaii~Chan replied. " OMG! I know what I want to cosplay as!" I yelled out.

I am going to cosplay as Akame from Akame ga KILL! I have 12 volumes of the manga. " I'm going to make my costume." Cadenza said. "Are you going to cosplay as something Aaden?" I asked. " I may be Tatsumi from Akame ga KILL! So ya." He replied. " Ya! We can cosplay together! I am going to be Akame!" I told him. " What does she look like?" Laurence asked. I showed him a picture. He blushed. Everyone started to make their costumes.

Once we were done, we had to pack. I packed extra clothes and extra costumes to wear for myself. I put in my Lucy, Akame, and Asuna costumes in my suitcase. I was so excited I could die! Once everyone was done packing we got in three cars. Aaron, Lucinda, Aaden, and I went in my car. Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and Cadenza went in Aphmau's car. Garroth, Laurence, Travis, and Dante went in Garroth's car.

Even though Aaron was driving, I put on some music and sung to it, more so quietly so that no one could hear me because I was very shy. " So what you guys want to talk about?" I asked them. " I don't know... Maybe tell stories about anything." Aaden replied, not knowing what to do. " Ok, Lucinda pick what kind of story." I told Lucinda. " Ok, I pick crush stories." Lucinda chose. " Alright, who's going to tell their story first?" Aaron asked. " Oh, me first!" I excitingly yelled out. " So, I'm not saying names here-" I managed to say before Lucinda cut me off. " Aww man I wanted a name." Lucinda whined. I sighed " Fine, I'll say a name." I gave up. " So, I had a crush on...ya." I so didn't want to mention a name because he's in the car, Aaden. I would die of embarrassment. " I'm not saying a name. So, back to my story. Him and I were friends and I tried to flirt with him by using... - sigh- a pick- up line. It was stupid pick- up line I said to him Boy if you were a vegetable then you would be a cute-cumber. I was so embarrassed that I even tried that... Guys? Are you listening to me?" I asked them I look in the back and I see a blushing Aaden and a dead Lucinda. I'm guessing she died of laughter from hiding it for too long. I took a glance at Aaron and see him trying to hold his laughter in. I was seriously embarrassed now.

I look out the car window and see the convention and the hotel close to it. " I see it!" I yelled out, which made Aaden and Lucinda out of their trances and made them look out the car window too. I look at Aaron and saw that I had to be more connected with my siblings. So, I took out my phone and texted my other sibling, Melissa. I have not texted nor called her because of college. Man, once you think about it, college does suck.


Y: Hi sis

M: Hey lil' sis how's it going?

Y: Well, I moved after college into an apartment. Then, moved again to Aaron's neighborhood so I'm fine.

M: Really?!

Y: Ya, don't you follow me on Minegram to see my pics?

M: Uh, I do but I don't check my Minegram account to see how my lil' sis is doing.

Y: Well, I'm going to a convention right now.

M: Cool! Send me pics of your costume!

Y: Will do! Bye!

M: Bye!


I was done texting Melissa. It was good texting my sister. Aaron stopped the car " We're here!" Aaron yelled. " Yay!!" I squealed. I was super excited. " Should we wait for them?" Lucinda asked. " Maybe...Or we can enjoy our time and check in ourselves." Aaden smirked at me. God, he looks cute... Wait! Do I have a crush on him?! " Let me text Aph" Aaron said. While Aaron was texting Aphmau, Aaden and I were talking.

" So that pick up line" Aaden awkwardly mentioned. " Ya... I know I told you that pick up line." I added. " Lucinda said crush stories, was I your crush?" Aaden asked. Right before I was going to answer I saw the rest coming in their cars. Perfect timing, I swear it took a miracle for that to happen. " I'm going to go say hi and go in." I told Aaden. I came up to Kawaii~Chan and I saw her smirk. " So~ Does Y/N~Sama like Aaden~Kun?" She asked. " No" I replied.

I went in with Aphmau and Aaron to check in. We got in the elevator which had my favorite song on. I sung quietly to it so Aaron doesn't make me sing a song like Let It Go or any other Disney song. We got out of the elevator and saw the door to our room, well multiple rooms. I had to room with Aaron hence he's my brother. The room was huge, plain but huge. " I call dibs on this bed!" I yelled out. " Aww man not fair!" Aaron yelled out. I knew this is going to be fun.

(~~Somewhere in the convention with a random person~~)

" Did you get the girl?"

" No, but I do know where she is."

" Find her and make her marry you."

" Yes father."


Author's Note

I am sorry for not updating for a few days. Stupid school, plus I have no school today so ye. Byeee- Star/ Author~Chan

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