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OKAY I HAVE AN ACTUAL DAMN QUESTION. HOW THE HECK DID THIS GET 10.3k reads? People actually read my cringeworthy story? Wha-Why? I haven't been active and I apologize for that, going to a high school that cost money and stuff ain't easy and I need to work hard. I'll make sure to post something during February because I have break and I haven't been into anime as much anymore. Well, except for My Hero Academia ;) I'll try and get back on track but understand this is a hobby of mine and I don't need to follow schedule because then it'll stress me out. I don't need that. I like writing but I need other things like playing the piano and such. IM GETTING OFF TRACK, ANSWER MY QUESTION IN THE COMMENTS LIKE HOW?! imma cry. Thank you- Star/Author~Chan :p.

Aaron's Sister (Mystreet X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now