Chapter 3

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"Ok!'' It's probably my first sleepover... ever. I didn't know what to do at sleepovers, especially when guys are here. I decided to take a selfie with Aaron. '' Hey Aaron! Selfie!'' I ran to him and took a selfie. Aaron's smile makes me feel safe. I don't ever want to be on his bad side. ''Ok, you guys what game do you want to do first?'' Aphmau asked. ''I don't kn-''Lucinda paused before she could say anything. '' We could play truth or dare'' Lucinda smirked. ''Kawaii~Chan says ya!'' ''Of course you would say yes Kawaii~Chan. You would dare the person to kiss someone you ship them with.'' Katelyn added. I mean truth or dare wouldn't be so bad right? "Ya! Lets do it'' I said

The rest agreed with me. "So who goes first?'' Right now I'm just praying to the lord to not make me either pick truth or dare. '' Y/N will go first since she is new to the street!'' Aaron yelled out. The majority agreed with Aaron. At this point I feel like I want to murder Aaron right now. The lord did not get the message. ''Ok Y/N, truth or dare?'' Aaron asked. "Dare!'' Dammit I don't think he'll go and put a bad dare right? I mean he won't make me kiss Garroth or Laurence or Dante or...Travis right? Aaron whispered to me. The boys got really excited. They don't know what I'm about to do.

I whispered back ''Fine, but your doing it with me too, if I have to suffer, you'll suffer too.'' I left Aph's home to grab my violin and Aaron's guitar from my house. Aaron's guitar look cool, it was red with some kind of streaks. I ran back with my violin in my right hand and the bow on the other hand. Aaron's guitar had a strap so his guitar meets my back. Aaron smiled and whispered ''Which song?'' '' The glee version of Smooth Criminal, you've seen me do it and you know the song lyrics so, your the boy part I'm the girl.'' I whispered back. "Obviously I'm a guy duh why would I be the girl part?'' He asked still whispering. ''That sound like a person who wants the girl part." I smirked. He rolled his eyes. He tuned his guitar and made sure that I was holding it right. Aaron looked at me and I nodded. Then he started to play.

Uh, as he came into the window

It was the sound of a crescendo, uh!

He came into her apartment

He left the bloodstains on the carpet, uh!

She ran underneath the table

He could see she was unable

So she ran into the bedroom

She was struck down

It was her doom

Annie are you OK?

So, Annie are you OK?

Are you OK, Annie?

Annie are you OK?

So, Annie are you OK?

Are you OK, Annie?

Annie are you OK?

So, Annie are you OK?

Are you OK, Annie?

Annie are you OK?

So, Annie are you OK?

Are you OK, Annie?

Annie are you OK?

Will you tell us that you're OK (uh!)

There's a sign in the window

That he struck you

A crescendo Annie

He came into your apartment

Aaron's Sister (Mystreet X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now