Chapter 7

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Aphmau got up, she opened the door. " Who are you?" she asked the person. " My name is Jax." He said. I froze. I bolted upstairs with Aaron following me. I locked the bathroom door. " Do you want to talk to him at least?" Aaron asked. " Let's see, he cheated on me, he's stalking me, he knows my address, and now he knows all of my friends, oh ya and he wants me back. So Aaron what do you think my answer will be?" I told him in an angrily tone.

" I think it's a no..." Aaron replied. I can tell he really wants me to come down. At least to say something to him. I opened the door. " Fine, you'll see what I am going to say." I noted. I came down the stairs, and there he is, in the flesh. He saw me with a happy face. I hated him. In my dictionary, there's a picture of him. I went to the door with my are you kidding me face. " What do you want." In a serious tone. " I want you." I told me. Wow, he thought it would be that easy. So, he can come up here and think that he would win me over and I instantly fall in love with him?!

" 1: No, and its not that easy, 2: You are stubborn, 3: Leave." I told him. " Please?" He asked. " Listen, we are not in a fairy tale. You think that you can come up here and I would instantly fall in love and get married, but no, its called reality and start living in it Jax. I started realizing that when you broke my heart. You cheated on me. Now, you ask me and think that I would give my heart back to you? You are dead to me now, leave." I mentioned in an angrily tone. I slammed the door at his face. Everyone went quite. I went upstairs and into the bathroom, then locked the door. I got out my phone and started texting my old best friend, Aaden. I just hope he will text me back.

(Y: You A: Aaden)

Y: Hey

A: Hey, how are you.

Y: Not fine

A: What happened?

Y: Jax, he knows where I moved because of my pics.

A: Aww Y/N

Y: He came to my friend's house and asked me to be together again, but I said no and slammed the door to his face.

A: Nice! Be a Savage!

Y: Hehe

A: I miss you Y/N, I have actually thought of moving, because of my...cramped...apartment XD.

Y: Well, you can move to the street I live on, there's a couple of houses on the street that are for sale.

A: Cool! Tell me the street name and the town name.

Y: *gives the street and town name *

A: K thanks! I'll be sure to check these out.

Y: Ok!

A: Bye and I'm glad you came to me in your time of need for a friend.

Y: No problem! Bye!


He is so nice. I met him in high school. I actually had a crush on him. I was just so afraid to tell him, even though we were both freshmen when we met.

(~~Flash Back~~)

Yes! My first day of high school! I can't believe it! I am here like how Aaron was! I am so excited. I accidentally bumped into someone. " Ah! I am so so so sorry! I didn't see where I was going and-" I told him. " No it's fine" He replied. " I'm Y/N and what's your name!" I asked him. " I'm Aaden"( If you can't pronounce Aaden the a says its name and den) he replied. " Cool! What class do you have?" I asked. " I have Math, sadly." Aaden chuckled slightly. " Don't worry, here's my number, so if you have trouble with math text me" I smiled. " Ok!" He replied happily.

(~~Flash Back Over~~)

I sighed. I really hope he comes. After all, he is my best friend. I mean don't get me wrong, Tessa is a great friend too, but I feel Aaden and I have a connection that no one else has. I heard a knock on the bathroom door. It was Lucinda. " Hey, I know what it feels like to be cheated on." Lucinda said to me in a calm tone. " Who was it?" I asked. " His name was Ivan" Lucinda replied. " What was he like?" I asked. " Well, he cheated on me so that should tell you something." Lucinda added. " Welcome to the club." I jokingly said. She laughed. " You can come out now." Lucinda mentioned. " Well, it would be awkward but other than that I would be fine" I told her. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! YOU WILL DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT!!! You thought.

I came out and hugged Lucinda. " Thank you" I told her. " Anytime." She replied. I came down with Lucinda. I had an idea that Aaron told Lucinda to go up there. I saw a moving truck on the street and it was next to my house. I also saw a car, and who came out of the car was, Aaden. I ran out the door and sprinted to Aaden then gave him the biggest hug that made him fall. It was a bad idea because he fell so then I was on top of him and I can see his face really close to my face. I quickly came off of him like The Flash and I instantly went from a potato to a tomato. " H-Hey Aaden, S-sorry about that." I chuckled. " Hey Y/N! What a nice greeting" He teased. " Ya, that was by accident" I told him. " I can tell." He said.

Everyone found us on the floor, but thank god they didn't see that I was on top of him. " Hey, Aaron and Everyone. This is Aaden. My best friend." I smiled. Aaron looked happy that I had a friend. Everyone introduced themselves. I'm happy he's here.


I am trying so hard to keep on track today. I am posting a The Other Streak and Aaron's Sister today to catch up what I have missed. This was more than 1000 words Bye~- Star/Author~Chan

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