Chapter 10

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I woke up from the bight lights shining onto my eyes, which hurt a bit. I rubbed my eyes to notice I was tucked in no shoes but in my clothes from last night. I glanced over to see Aaron sleeping, with a bit of drool on his face. I giggled quietly so I won't wake him up. I tip-toed over to my suitcase. I grabbed my Lucy costume. It was a hard choice, but less make-up. I tip-toed to the bathroom to put on my costume and dye my hair. It was not permanent dye, just washout.

I put on my sort of like headband and my whip. My thirteen keys, well suppose to be twelve but two are the same although one of the two is broken. I put them in the hangers for the keys then to put it on my skirt. I made sure to put shorts under the skirt the costume had because of Travis trying to get a peek. I come out of the bathroom. I glanced over to Aaron, still asleep. My master plan will be in action. I tip-toed over to Aaron's bed. "Wake up you lazy butt!" I yelled.

I whipped the bed at the same time when I yelled. Aaron yelled and fell out of the bed. I was on the floor, crying of laughter. " Argh! I'm going kill you!" Aaron yelled at me. " No!" I laughed while running. I took out my whip and try to look demonic. " Now, I'm the one who's going to kill you!" I laughed. " Ah no!" Aaron begged. " Ha! I will always have the upper hand." I told him. I smiled. I bet everyone thought that I killed Aaron. " You should be changing and I'll get room service." I told him.

He nodded. I called room service to get us breakfast. A few minutes later, I got real bored trying to wait for food. Someone knocked on the door. It was room service. I got my food and sat down at the table we had. Aaron came out of the bathroom. " Oh my god, are you seriously Takasu from Tora Dora?" I questioned. " Ya..." Aaron replied. " Don't worry, I like your costume." I smiled. " Thanks." Aaron smiled back. I started munching on my delicious pancake. " So, do you want to see everyone?" I asked Aaron.

" After we eat." Aaron reassured. I nodded. After we ate, we headed towards the others. We knocked on the door. You want to know who opened it? Travis. The one person I didn't want to see my costume first. " Oh Y/N you look really good in the costume, especially you butt-" Before he can say anything else Aaron smacked him. Travis fell and saying ow. We went inside the hotel room. Since the boys like to room with each other at cons, they roomed together. " Hi! Are you done with getting in your costumes and make- up?" I asked. " Almost!" They replied in unison. " I'm done!" Aaden yelled.

Aaden came out of the bathroom and oh my Chez-its, ( Get it? It sounds like Jesus. Huh? Huh?... Ya, O.K) he was Natsu from Fairy Tail. He looked so hot- What am I thinking!?! I tried to speak, but all that came out was a stutter. I sighed. " You look cool." I smiled. " So do you Lucy Heartfillia." Aaden responded. Aaron cleared his throat. " You look great Aaron." Aaden smiled. " Thanks! I worked hard on this." Aaron replied. I chuckled over his excitement of the compliment. The rest of the boys came with their costumes on and ready.

I noticed they ran in and started gawking. " Keep staring and I'll whip you." I said with my dead- serious face on. " But, it's a toy whip, it doesn't hurt." Garroth reassured. " Ah, so you want to see if it hurts? Fine, you'll be my test dummy." I wasn't joking. I pulled out the whip when I said that. Garroth had to rethink about his life choices.

Everyone burst out laughing, except Garroth. " Ok you guys, let's go to girls room." I gestured to door. They all nodded. We walked out the door and to the room of the girls. Like I said, they have their traditions. I knocked the door. Aphmau opened the door. She was Mine from Akame ga Kill! She even did the hair and everything! " You look so cute!" I squealed. " You too!" Aphmau yelled. I looked behind me to only see a species of gawkers.

I jumped to Aphmau's side. " We found five male gawkers in their natural habitat, whatever you don't move the girl their gawking at." I announced in an Australian accent. Aphmau moves. " Are you crazy?!" I yelled. The girls behind the door were watching and laugh. I smiled over the fact that they love my joke. " Are you girls ready?" I asked the girls. They nodded. " Then lets go to Anime-Con!" I yelled while holding my fist in the air. " Ya!!!" They yelled in unison.

We ran out the hotel and crossed the street where the convention was. " Wow-" I said. " Its." Aphmau added. " So." Kawaii~Chan noted. " Big!!" The girls yelled in unison. They guys were laughing. Aaden couldn't help but role-play. " Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Aaden yelled and running toward me. My stupid reflexes, used the whip on him. " OW!" Aaden exclaimed. " Sorry!" I apologized. I held my hand out to help him up. He grabbed my hand and got up.

I paused over the fact that we held hands! I had to control myself and try not to blush. I turn around and see Lucinda and the girls winking at me. Weird. Everyone was talking to each other. " Are we going to stand in front of a Anime Convention and talk outside of it or go inside." I yelled at them while walking in. This is going to be cool!

Author's Note

Sorry I haven't posted in while. I will try. I am trying my best but having no ideas. Comment down what should happen in the convention! OH WAIT RIGHT WHEN I TYPED THAT I HAD AN IDEA BUT STILL! You can still comment :3. Bye~- Star/ Author~Chan

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