Ne t'inquiète pas - Don't worry

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Arabella's POV

I sat opposite Luke on my bed with my legs crossed.

"So what do you think we should do?" I asked.

"We try to make him jealous, and if he reacts, that means he likes you" Luke explained.

"And how do you suggest we do that?" I questioned him.

"Ah, now that's the fun part." He said, smirking


"We pretend to date-" he started

"No no no no no. Absolutely not. You're my best friend. You're like my brother, I'm not dating you" I snapped back at him

"Don't worry. We don't have to actually date. We jts pretend do when Calum's around" he explained.

I though for a moment.

"Ok." I agreed, hesitantly.

"Yay!" Luke said grinning, "now come here, your lovely fake boyfriend wants cuddles" he added, opening his arms for me to hug him. I kindly accepted his hug.

"Thanks lukey. You're the best fake-boyfriend ever" I said giggling.

"I know baby. I know" he replied.


Calum's POV

Yesterday we kissed.

Arabella and I kissed.

We've known each other for 3 days, and we've already kissed. That must mean something, right?

But what if it meant nothing to her?

It meant a lot to me.

Stop worrying calum.

Don't worry.

She's a lovely girl, she's your friend.

Maybe I should ask to hang out with her again today.

I dialled her number and patiently waited for her to answer.


Arabella's POV

I was cuddled up next Luke under my bed covers watching Mean Girls.

"You go glen coco" Luke said, quoting the movie.

My phone then started to ring, making me jump.


'Hey Arabella'

'Oh, Calum, Hey'

"What's he saying" luke asked

"Shhh" I replied

'I was um, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again today?'

"Luke, he wants me to hang out with him today, what should I say?" I whispered to Luke making sure Calum couldn't hear.

"Say no. You need to play hard to get" he explained.

"I need an excuse though" I told him

"Just tell him you're hanging out with me, make him jealous" Luke said.

'Uh, I'd love to, but I'm actually busy today. I'm hanging out with Luke. Maybe another time though yeah?'

'Oh, ok. Another time then'

Then he quickly hung up.

"I feel so mean for lying to him" I said

"Shut up Arabella. You're not the type of person to care about people." Luke said smirking.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Can we watch anchorman now?" I asked

"Yeah, of course" Luke replied.

"I'm gonna go get some snacks from the kitchen. D'you want anything?" I asked

"No thanks" he replied.

I walked downstairs to get food and I was greeted by Carla in the kitchen.

"Oh, hey. You're here" I said, stunned.

"Yeah. I stayed over last night. Mikey's still in bed" she said giggling.

She wore nothing but one of Michaels shirts that almost reached her knees. The fact that she was wearing mikes shirt and no trousers meant that she probably slept with him last night. So much for them being "just friends".

"Oh, right. D'you want a coffee or tea or something?" I asked politely.

"No thanks, I'm just gonna go back upstairs and see if Michaels awake yet" she said.

Michael suddenly appeared in just his boxers. He wrapped his arms around Carla's waist from behind her and rested him chin on her shoulder.

"What about me?" He asked

"I was just saying I was gonna go and see if you were awake yet" she explained.

"Well I am, just about. Can we go back to bed?" He whined

"Of course we can Mikey"she replied.

They exited the kitchen and went upstairs.

I made myself a cup of tea and grabbed a bag of pop-corn.

I went back up to my room to find Luke on my phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Changing your relationship status to 'in a relationship' with me" he explained winking

"Hm...Okay" I said hesitantly.

"I put anchorman on. So come cuddle please" he said lifting the bed covers for me to clamber in.

I got in my bed and he wrapped his arms around me tightly. We just laid their all day watching movies and eating pop-corn. This whole fake dating thing isn't as bad as I thought.



ooooo Lukabella's getting in the way of Carabella. #Drama

They'll be some cute Carabella moments coming up in the next few chapters.

Comment and vote or whatever you wanna do👌


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