Irréel - Unreal

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"Will someone please tell me what the fucks going on? What are you doing at Calum's house?" I asked, beyond angry.

"Well Ms Clifford, Calum's house, is also my house." Professor Hood explained.

"What?" I asked, still extremely confused by the matter.

"I'm his father." He told me bluntly.

"W-what? This is unbelievable, it's fucking unreal! Calum, why didn't you tell me this?" I questioned.

"You didn't ask" he said almost inaudibly, looking away from me. I groaned in frustration.

"I asked Calum to keep this a secret, I don't wish for the other students to feel like I treat Calum differently. People jump to conclusions, they assume I enhance his grades due to the fact that he's my son. I'd appreciate it if you'd keep this a secret too Arabella." He explained.

"Oh, um...yeah, of course, I won't tell a soul" I said hesitantly.

"Oh, and...I'd also appreciate it...if you'd stop seeing my son." He said bluntly.

"What?!" Calum finally spoke up.

"Calum, you're a straight A student. I'm not going to let you prance around with this..this floozy! She's a bad influence on you, I don't want her dragging you or your grades down." He stated.

"Dad. She's not going to drag me down. And as for my grades, Arabella is also a straight A student! you know that, you're the fucking principal" Calum shouted.

"It's not her grades I'm concerned about, I'm concerned about that fact that she's been suspended 4 times!" Professor Hood fought back.

"Oh so what Dad! She got suspended for stupid things because she's not afraid to live a little. Does that really matter?
I love her, and nothing you say or do is going to change that. I'm sorry Dad." he told him.

"Calum, if you keep up this ridiculous relationship I'll have you expelled from Stocksbridge high school." His father threatened.

"On what terms? You can't just remove me in parented terms, because no one knows I'm your son, and you can't expel me without reason, the school board won't tolerate it, due to my A* average. You can't do anything" Calum expressed smugly.

Professor hood groaned in frustration.
"I'm going out, and when I get back, she better not be here" he said before storming out and slamming the door behind him.

"Well, that was intense"


We walked down the street hand in hand, trying to forget the incident that just took place, but one question played on my mind.

"Calum." I started.

"Arabella." Calum said in reply, glancing at me.

"Where do we go from here?" I asked.

"I thought we were walking to your house" Calum said smirking.

"No Cal, you know what I mean. What do we do?" I asked, concerned.

"What? Everything's fine how it is, I don't think anything needs to change" he said.

"Calum, if we continue dating your Dad's going to do everything in his power to get you removed from our school, and I can't deal with that." I explained, frowning.
He stopped walking and turned to face me.

"Arabella, everything's going to be fine, I promise. We'll carry on things as normal, and if worst comes to worst, well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it." He reassured me. He took my hand in his, bringing it to his lips and leaving kisses along my knuckles, because he knew it calmed me down.

"I love you." I simply stated, intertwining our hands.

"And I love you." He said, bringing his lips to mine.


A/N: I haven't updated in ages so I'm super sorry! And sorry that I change the cover of this so much, I just wasn't very happy with the way any of my covers looked.

I'm really going to try and update more frequently, but I've had so much coursework recently I haven't had the time.

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Also Please check out my other stories, I'd really appreciate it.

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