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Dear Cody,

At school on Friday you seemed so happy


Or I was oblivious

I couldn't see how much you were hurting

Chloe knew

She knew you were hurting

She didn't know it was that bad

You died on Saturday

That Saturday I was shopping for glasses

Think about it

While I was shopping for glasses

You were bleeding out on the floor

And I didn't even realize it

I did hear an ambulance go by my house

I didn't think about it

But we lived close to each other

So it was probably for you

Chloe found out as soon as it happened

Give a few hours

Your mom called her

You two had just gotten back together on Friday

You had died

Shot yourself right in the head

And Chloe couldn't do a thing

I found out later that night

I thought it couldn't be true

I thought it was a sick joke my stepbrother was playing on me

He told me and I didn't believe him...

I messaged my other friends

I found out it was true

I was so numb

I haven't cried that hard ever

I didn't go to school the next day

Chloe went to the asylum

I didn't talk to many people

I didn't go to our hangout spot

We called it the square

It's been over a month and I still haven't been to the square

I shiver every time I walk by there

I reminds me to much of you

Dear CodyWhere stories live. Discover now