Dear Cody
I know I haven't written in a while
Sorry about that
So I'll get you up to date
Chloe moved
And that's about it
Isn't it funny
How I talk to you
Like your still here
Like your still breathing
Like your hearts still beating...
I don't know what's wrong with me
I think it's my anxiety
Every time someone likes me
Like like likes me
I freak out
And push them away
That's not normal is it?
I have no idea Cody
But I do know
I've been crying every night
I don't know why
I have to confide something
It's something I said I would never do
I feel like giving up
Like letting go
My heads saying no
But my hearts saying yes
I'm not giving up yet though
Maybe things will get better
So I won't give up yet