Dear Cody,
I'm sick
Not going to school today
It's a good thing too
I didn't want to go
I would've broken down probably
It's gotten that bad
And I've been having withdrawal headaches
I'm changing my medicine so that's why
From Zoloft to Prozac
Both medicines are notorious
Notorious for being abused
I can see why
They make you feel better
A lot better
But I don't take more than I'm supposed to
I think it's because I don't want to get hooked
I really just want to live
To live without medication
I also have to take a mood stabilizer
I can't control my mood well
I guess I have problems
Knew it since third grade
Now I'm almost a Sophomore
One more month until summer
Then I will be
I still haven't gotten my permit
You never got the chance to drive
I could've driven you to school
We lived so close to each other
But you didn't stick around to find out
You left
And I've been thinking about leaving too
I really wanted to leave
So much has been happening
It's so overwhelming
I want to see you again Cody
But I can't leave
It's not my time yet