I dont want to loose you

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Lance Pov
Since that day I followed Keith he's been a bit distant with me. I feel like I passed the line of being a over protective boyfriend but how can't I if last time I saw him almost bleed to death?!

He could've died in my house if I did nothing. I sigh as Keith didn't show again for training. Shiro didn't spare a glance at me or the others.The others asked but I didn't know and couldn't say cause I promised him I wouldn't spill.

"Keith shouldn't be leader" Allura pipes up as we are sat at the conference room. "He's never on time and he's not focused." "Allura I get that you're annoyed but I believe Keith could be leader he needs time."Even though Shiro seemed upset he still cared for him. Their brother for Pete's sake! Well not entirely. "Lance have you texted him?" "Pidge I tried I feel like he ditched his phone so I won't follow. I kinda followed him to place I wasn't supposed to be."
"Where?" Shiro asks as I said too much"I promised him I wouldn't say. He'll be really mad at me if I told." "Lance please I haven't seen Keith in weeks and I know he's over your place every night." That was true but how would Shiro feel about Keith finding out his past? "He's looking for answers about his birth parent's." Shiro sighs and shakes his head"I knew it. He's never going to-" "He has a twin!" I blurted out as everyone looked at me "He's a twin and his sister is pretty hot and looks just like him. He's probably seeing her so he can get answers about their parents" Shiro blinked and scoffed "He's actually doing this? After I told him not to?


"Shiro stomped away as the others looked at me "He has family that are alive? Shit I didn't expect Keith to have a sister." Pidge smiles and I nod "Can you guys not tell him I told you? He'll be real upset if he knew?" They nodded as we heard re door open to show Keith as he pulled a girl in looking a bit like him"Guys sorry I'm late but I wanted you guys to meet my sister. Axca." The group gathered around and greeted her as I pulled him near "Keith I think Shiro is mad at you. You're barely at training and you get to my place exhausted. I don't think you're visiting her only."

He gaze looks away from me as I noticed a bruise on his neck and I gasp"Please tell me you aren't cheating on me Keith." His eyes widen and shook quickly "I would never cheat in you. I love you so much Lance."

He held my face but it was hard to believe his words "Why do you have bruises on your neck?" I looked into his eyes as he swallowed hard.....
"I can't talk about it here. I'll tell you at your place. I promise I'll tell you. Just gotta trust me love." He caressed my cheek as I sigh "I trust you. Don't lie to me Keith Kogane" he chuckles as we kissed. "Axca this is my boyfriend Lance." "Hey nice to meet you. Keith told me how much my girlfriend relates to you. You're pretty handsome for him."

"Thanks."After talking and getting to know how sister she left. I decided to take off and Keith actually came with me this time. "Wow you're actually walking home with me?" I said playfully "Yeah. Are you still upset about being distant?" "Keith. Yeah I am we've been together for almost 5 months and you still have walls up from me. We're starting to agrue more and we've barely have 'us' time."I blushed remembering the first few months we used to fuck like crazy.

Now it's so different and it's like our purple glow is gone. "Do you want to break up? If that's the case then we could just end things." "What are you talking about McClain? I'm having walls up cause I've been feeling like I don't belong at Voltron academy anymore. Everyone is acting weird towards me and whenever i try to be romantic you're too tired or not in the mood. Why would you want to break up with me? You don't love me like before?"He looked so sad as we stood and looked at each other "Keith I still head over heels in love with you. You just keep hiding secrets from me and I want to be there and know that you're not gonna die on me." I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as he had a few tears forming  in his eyes

"I don't want you to get hurt or die Lance. Not again. Not ever." I wiped my eyes as we went towards his shack instead of my house. When we arrived he kissed me so hungrily as I moaned and pulled at his shirt. He put me on the counter as he never broke the kiss until he pulled my shirt over and connecting his lips with my own."K-Keith uh please tell me" I asked as he looked at me panting a bit as he lowered his eyes. He nods as he holds me up as we walked towards the room and he put me down gently. "Don't freak out or anything okay?" I chuckled "dude I can handle it."He ran his fingers through his messy hair. Now that I notice its getting a bit longer. "I'm always late now cause I've been training with a secret division my real mother was in. I'm not supposed to tell anyone because it could them hurt or killed. But I needed to tell you cause then we'll end up breaking up and that's the last thing I wanted between us. I found my knife and finally figured what it meant and now. I'm almost part of the secret division."I moved closer "So you got your knife back and now you're training with other people?" He nods

"Yeah I might have to step aside as the leader. I might be getting closer to my answers." He smiled softly but I didn't as much. I mean yeah that's cool and stuff but what about us? Our team? Who will be our leader? Who will take the black lion? "So you're thinking of leaving the team?"He shrugs "it's uncertain right now. Their training is more brutal then the ones back in Voltron. I'm grasping my skills better and learned a few new things." I sigh as I lowered my head

"Are you going to talk to Shiro about this?" "Yeah I might have to. He basically raised me and all. But I feel like he'll tell me to leave this alone and just listen to him. He told me to get over the knife when Edgar took it. How can I if it's the only thing that I have from my real parents?"I stayed silent not sure how to respond so instead I leaned and kissed him "Let's talk about this after okay?" I smiled and he nods "You sure?" I nodded "Yeah I'm sure." I pulled him towards me as we kissed as his hands trailed down my chest as I moan in delight. I need a distraction from possibly losing my boyfriend.

(This is 1245 words)

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