Say no to this

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"There's nothing like summer in the city," Pidge walked down the street with her hands in her pockets."Someone under stress meets someone looking pretty," she watched a tan man pass her with tears running down his face."There's trouble in the air, you can smell it," Pidge rolled her eyes at the man."And Keiths all by himself. I'll let him tell it," she scoffed crossing her arms."I hadn't slept in a week I was weak, I was awake" Keith was at a desk rubbing his face tiredly as papers where scattered around."You never seen a bastard orphan More in need of a break" He heard a knock behind him and walked over to the door."Longing for Shiro, Missing my wife"Keith opened the door and saw a handsome man standing there with tears running down his face."That's when mister Lance McClain walked into my life, he said..."I know you are a man of honor," Lance said softly wiping his tears away but they where still in his eyes."I'm so sorry to bother you at homeBut I don't know where to go, and I came here all alone..." He looked at Keith with teary eyes.He said..."My husband's doin' me wrongBeatin' me, cheatin' me, mistreating me..." Lance gripped his shirt over his chest as he looked away."Suddenly he's up and goneI don't have the means to go on," he rubbed the back of his head with his tears almost falling.So I offered him a loan, I offered to walk him home, he said"You're too kind, sir," Lance blushed as he held Keiths arm walking down the snowy streets at night.I gave him thirty bucks that I had socked awayHe lived a block away, he said:"This one's mine, sir," Lance smirked standing in front of his door.Then I said,"Well, I should head back home," Keith gulped looking away.He turned red, he led me to his bedLet his legs spread and said:"Stay?" Lance pulled his shirt lower smiling lustfully at Keith."Hey..." Keiths eyes where wide as he was red."Hey..." Lance raised an eyebrow smirking.That's when I began to pray:Lord, show me how toSay no to thisI don't know how toSay no to thisBut my God, he looks so helplessAnd his body's saying, "Hell, yes."Lance pulled Keith onto the bed and laid under the raven haired man with his arms around his neck smiling softly that made Keith weak."Whoa..."No, show me how toSay no to thisI don't know how toSay no to thisIn my mind, I'm tryin' to goGo! Go! Go!Then his mouth is on mine, and I don't say...Lance pulled Keith down and kissed him deeply, Keiths eyes widen at first but soon started to melt into the kiss.No! No!Say no to this!Keiths hands roamed lances body as he kissed him back deeply and Lance panted as they parted quickly taking off their shirts.No! No!Say no to this!Keith kissed lances neck as Lance smiled and moaned under Keiths touch.No! No!Say no to this!Keith couldn't remember why he was doing this but felt to much pleasure to stop and kissed lances lips and body.No! No!Say no to this!They looked at each other with wide eyes as Keith broke away from the man under him. Only for Keith to crash back down to kissing lances lips.I wish I could say that was the last timeKeith slept in bed as his arms where around lances bare body as he smiled in Keiths arms.I said that last time. It became a pastimeA month into this endeavor I received a letterKeith sat at his desk back at home looking at his papers. He raised an eye brow at the letter and began reading.From a Mr. Lotor McClain, even better, it said:'Dear Sir, I hope this letter finds you in good healthAnd in a prosperous enough position to put wealthIn the pockets of people like me: down on their luckYou see, that was my husband who you decided to-""-Fuuuu..." Keith paled with wide eyes.'Uh-oh! You made the wrong sucker a cuckoldSo time to pay the piper for the pants you unbuckledAnd hey, you can keep seein' my whore manIf the price is right: if not I'm telling your wife,'I hid the letter and I raced to his placeScreamed, "How could you?!" in his faceHe said:Keith grabbed lances arm turning him around quickly with rage in his eyes and Lance looked at him with fear."No, sir!" Lance cried out.Half dressed, apologeticA mess, he looked pathetic, he cried:"Please don't go, sir!" Lance reached for Keith as he stormed away."So was your whole story a setup?" Keith spun at him with his fist clenched."I don't know about any letter!" Lance fell to the ground sobbing with his hands on the floor."Stop crying! Goddammit, get up!" Keith grabbed lances upper arm as Lance stared at him with wide eyes."I didn't know any better!" Lance pleaded."I am ruined!" Keith let go running his hand through his hair frustrated."Please don't leave me with him helpless!" Lance got to his feet reaching for Keith as he started walking away grabbing his hair."How could I do this?" Keith growled."Just give him what he wants and you can have me!" Lance placed a hand over his heart as tears continued falling."I don't want you," Keith shook his head trying to convince himself."Whatever you want,""I don't want you!""If you pay," Lance held Keiths hand turning him around and Keith looked back into his eyes."I don't...""You can staaaayyyyyy!" Lance smiled hopeful holding the side of Keiths face, tracing his finger down his pale face.Lord, show me how to say no to thisSay no to thisTonight I don't know how to say no to thisSay no to this"Cause the situation's helpless," Keith gulped looking at Lance."Helpless," Lance leaned closer with his eyes hooded looking at Keith.And his body's screaming, "Hell, yes.""Whoa!" Lance smiled as he had his arms around Keiths neck, bringing his leg up.No, show me how to say no to thisSay no to thisHow can you say no to this?How can I say no to this?Say no to thisThere is nowhere I can goGo! Go! Go!When his body's on mine I do not say...Keith looked at lances soft lips and kissed them softly.No!Yes"Yes," Lance dragged Keith back to bed.Say no to this! No!Yes"Yes..." Lance gently leaned up as Keith leaned down staring at lances flawless features.Say no to this! No!Yes"Ye-ye-yes," Lance moaned as he felt Keith kissing down his neck and to his collar boneSay no to this! No!Yes"Yes!" Say no to this!Say no to this...I don't say no to this"Don't say no to this," Lance said softly as he watched Keith walked up to a man with his long light blond hair tied in a low pony tail.There is nowhere I can goGo! Go! Go!"So?" Lotor raised an eye brow smirking as he held out his hand.Keith glared at the man but looked back at Lance who waited to the side and had his head down thinking Keith was going to leave him."Nobody needs to know..." Keith put a thick stack of cash in Lotors hand and turned away.Lance looked up with wide eyes seeing Keith walking back to him. Lance smiled softly as Keith held out his hand for them to go and Keith nodded at him softly with a smile. With that they walked back home together.

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