I think the neighbours know my name now

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Keith and Lance had been dating for a while. They had even been living with each other for a few months now. They had picked out a townhouse, which meant they had neighbors. The walls were actually pretty thin, they had had sex a couple of times since they had moved in. The neighbors had actually complained every time they did it. The neighbors were an older couple, maybe in their 60s. The neighbors had a bunch of cats too, like too many. These neighbors were anything but happy, though.Let's just say that Lance is a very vocal person during sex...Tonight would be the night. Lance had been acting very flirty all day today around his boyfriend, trying to hint that he wanted to do it. They had both been trying not have sex as much, for the sake of the neighbors. There had been so much sexual tension between them for the past few months. They needed this."Keith baby~" Lance sat down on the couch and slung his arms lazily around his boyfriend."Yes?" Keith turned to face Lance, which was a mistake.. because Lance has the sexiest smirk on his face. To Keith, Lance looked irresistible at that very moment. Keith dove into his boyfriend's lips. He sloppily kissed Lance and pulled his shirt off."Woah woah woah. Calm down there" Lance moaned in between kisses."its.. been.. 3.. ah fuck.. months lance"Keith picked up the Cuban boy and took him to their bedroom. Not breaking the kiss on the way there, Lance wrapped his legs around Keith's waist and tangled his fingers in his boyfriend's hair.Keith threw Lance down on the bed and straddled his hips. Keith took off Lance's shirt and dove for his boyfriend's neck. He sucked the skin from the cuban's jawline all the way down to his nipples. He licked and sucked the nipple, causing Lance to moan in pleasure and grip Keith's hair."Ah Keith~""Shh Lance they are gonna hear." Keith whispered. Keith pulled down his boyfriend's pants, after asking permission of course, and kissed Lance's inner thighs. "Keiiiiiiithh hurry please." Keith trailed his lips back up to the hem of his lover's boxers. He slowly slid them down and threw them on the floor. Keith took his boyfriend into his mouth. "Ah Ahhh Keith!" lance yelped.while they dreamin', you be screamin'After about a few minutes of blowing Lance, Keith took his mouth out. He got the lube out that was in the special place they put in, in the drawer beside the bed. Once he applied the lube to himself he slowly entered Lance. "Just bury your face in the pillow" Keith fully inserted himself and waited for Lance's permission to move, once Lance was ready he began to slowly move. "Forget the pillow, I wanna see your face." Keith said looking down at Lance and throwing the pillow. Keith started going faster, in a rhythm.Keith leaned down to kiss his boyfriend, and Lance started to scratch down Keith's back. "Kei-Keith i FUCK KEITH." Lance screamed and scratched as Keith pounded into his special spot. i'll be bangin' on your body, they be bangin' on our wall. *BOOM BOOM BOOM* Keith stopped. There it was. Their neighbors pounding on the wall. "ke-Keith please don't stop." Lance moaned. Keith slammed it Lance with a powerful force and continued it.
"KEITH KEITH OH OH AHHHH" Lance screamed as he came. Keith did too. They both rode out their orgasms and cleaned up. They got into comfy clothes and fell asleep.
****the next morning*****
"Yeah yeah we're sorry you guys. Uhm we are a couple, and couples do those things. I'm sorry you guys are too old to condone in those activities or something. But uh yeah." Lance said with a bit of an attitude. "Babe don't be rude." Keith came up behind his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his waist. The old couple just scowled and walked off. Keith just started to laugh and soon Lance did too.
" I love you, mullet"
"I love you too, sharpshooter." As they walked back into their room.

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I am cringing so much at this ARGH

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