Galra keith ?!

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For an alien human hybrid, Keith sure acted like a certain animal from earth. From what Lance could tell, perhaps his cat-like reflexes weren't all that exaggerated. He could never be sure, so with a grin, motive, and laser pointer, he wound up in his situation, trapped under questioned alien with big bright eyes glaring down at him. It all started with him sneaking into the red paladin's room, and shifting behind one of the walls and shining the red laser at the opposite wall. Keith had immediately taken interest, his gaze moving from his book to the intruding spot. Lance suppressed his laugh as Keith got up and slowly made his way to where it was, letting out a gasp as Lance shifted the light to instead shine on the ceiling. Hunching his hips down Keith moved to unsuccessfully reach his arms out and try to grab at the light, instead tripping over himself and falling to the floor. Letting out a laugh Lance's head snapped back and Keith swung his head over, both offended and surprised. Not too long after Lance found himself with his back pressed to the floor, strong hands borderline clawing his shoulders."You're a dick, you know.""You are what you eat, I'm afraid."The black haired paladin made a noise of disgust and sat up from his spot on the Cuban male."We're in space, so unless you and Hunk or Shiro are going at it I'm afraid you're incorrect."With a exaggerated scream Lance shoved Keith off and curled his legs to his chest, grimacing."Shiro is practically our dad and Hunk is my main man, I love him, but it's a bromance.""Call it what you want, now get out."Shaking his head Lance scooted over to where the other has stayed sitting on his knees."No no, I wanted to run a few experiments, like Pidge."Lifting his hand up he reached out to Keith's head, where his wrist was grabbed and his face was met with an unimpressed frown."I trust Pidge with experiments, not you.""C'mon, you know I had to get good enough grades to even be put in the garrison."With a sigh, Keith let go of the brunet's wrist. "I suppose, but what are you testing, exactly?"Lance grinned and reached his arm out again, scratching behind Keith's Galra ears where he was met with a small huff and then slowly, a low hum.  He paused, but when he wasn't stopped he went back at it for another moment."That's what I was testing, I got my information. Red likes you so much because you're basically a lion yourself."Keith snickered but relaxed into Lance's hand, letting his eyes fall shut."Yeah, sure, whatever."Lance cackled louder then stopped, standing up and walking to the door."Yep, but now that I have my information I'll be leaving. Bye, Cat Woman."Keith stammered for a moment as the door was shut and he was left in the middle of the floor of his room alone."Choke sometime,""Maybe later!"

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