Enermy ???

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Right now I'm studying while I lay on the lower bunk of my double bunk bed, on my stomach, legs kicking in the air.But ironically my enemy, Lance, is laying on the top bunk. His head hanging off the side as he stares at me.Why is he here if he's your enemy, you may ask? Long story short.

His parents are out of town and he can't cook. So yea.

Short intro. I'm Keith and I'm gay. Lance here is bi, which bothers me even more cause he is fucking good looking.Well, right now I'm getting annoyed cause he has been staring at me for a really long time."Can you stop staring, Lance?" I asked."I'm people-watching." he replied."Well then, go outside and do that dumb shit." I rolled my eyes."I choose who I watch." he said, simply. I rolled my eyes and continued studying, with my feet kicking in the air and a pencil between my lips.

Then, all of a sudden, Lance gets off the top bunk and stands beside mine."Get up." he said. I looked up at him, uninterested."Why?" I asked, taking the pencil in my hand."Just get up!" he said, a little demanding. I raised my eyebrows and stood up."What?" I asked, tossing the pencil on the bed.He said nothing, just grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. I gasp as he closes his lips over mine. My hand shoot up to grab his shoulders to push him away and separate our lips but he pulled me right back in with such great force that I couldn't resist.

He noticed that I didn't slap him and kinda smirked. I almost punched him but God, the way his lips are moving.His hands wrap around my waist, pulling me closer as he moves his lips over mine, it's so fucking hot. His lips feel so good. I whimp slightly.His hand snake across my lower back before sliding them down and grabing my ass, squeezing it. My hands move to his neck and I pull my head back."What the fuck, Lance?" I panted."You weren't complaining a second ago." He smirked. I frowned."I was watching you study and then my eyes land on your beautiful ass and I felt like to grab it. It wouldn't have turned good for me if I just grabbed your ass." He explained."What the heck? You don't even like me. If you like me and kissed me and then grabbed my ass, I wouldn't mind. But you don't. So, what the fuck, Lance?" I said confused."I never said that I didn't like you, you assumed it. And it is I whom YOU don't like. And now you know that I don't not like you so it doesn't matter" he said and tried to kiss me again."Uh, yes it does." I pulled my head away.

He rolled his eyes and pushed me against the wall."No, it doesn't, Keith." he whispered close to my ear and lightly touched his lips against my cheek as he moved closer to my lips.He parts my lips with his own and our tongues glide across one another. My hands snake into his hair and he squezzed my butt, again."Lan-" I was cut off by his lips. I'm trying to stay still and kiss him.

He slips his hand under my butt and lifted me against the wall. I moan and pull at his hair making him groan. He tilts his head a little and completely dominates the situation.But then we heard the sound of the front door shut which meant that Shiro, my roomateand also Lance's cousin, was home.I, kinda unwilling, pushed Lance away and sat on my bed as he hurried towards the chair with his phone. Both of us trying to catch our breaths."I'm back." Shiro said entering the room.

"Hi." I said."Welcome back." Lance smiled."Wow, you both are alive. Thank God!" Shiro chuckled."Ha! Ha!" I mocked. From the corner of my eye I could see Lance trying to hide his smirk."Dinner anyone?" he asked."Had it already." Lance said. Shiro nodded and left. Lance stood up and walked out as well. I think I saw his smirk before he shut the door.I sighed as I laid back on the bed, closing my eyes. What the fuck just happened?*****I woke up and realise that I had fallen asleep. So, I got up and changed into my shorts and tank top and tied my hair into a pony. I was gonna go back to sleep but then I remembered what happened today.***I don't exactly know how but I'm standing in front of Lance's room more like the guest room. I took a deep breath and turned the door knob. I peeked inside to see if he was asleep but to my shock he was not in the room. I tiptoed back out and shut the door quitely."What are you doing?" Lance whispered in a deep voice from behind me. I turn around in shock, my eyes wide and my heart racing.

He's shirtless, oh fuck. Don't look down, don't look down, don't- Too late. HO-LY FUCK. I want to reach out and touch his chest, his abs, his-He steps a little closer and I look up, his eyes turn wicked as I press my back against the door. He places his forearm beside my head, blocking any means of escape."Were you looking for me, Keith?" he tilted his head slightly, his eyes shining as he smirked."Y-yes." I strutted. There was no use of lying. He smiled."Why?" he asked. With every word he spoke, his breath was felt against my lips. He was so close yet not close enough. I couldn't find words to give him the answer to that question but I knew it. His smile widened as he spoke again."Why, Keith ?" I hate the way how my brain decided to stop functioning at this very moment. And the way he's saying my name.

OH GOD."I don't know." Stupid! Keith! That was stupid. He chuckled from the base of his throat and I never though that he could chuckle so deeply. He looks so cute all the time but now, holy mother, he looked so hot. So fucking hot.I squezzed my fists as I tried to control myself from grabbing his face and smashing my lips against his. He looks me in the eyes and I see them change into darker shades. He leans closer, our eyes still locked."Do you want me to?" He asked just a few millimeters away. His words almost spoken on my lips.

"Yes." I whispered so slowly maybe he didn't hear it.

But he did and he leaned in. His lips touch mine so lightly but they linger only for a few seconds before he pulled away. His hands cup my cheeks as he finally closes his lips against mine.My stomach does a back flip at his soft touch and I'm on fire. This is nothing like what we had this evening.I take a firm grip on his waist and kiss him back. His hands leave my face and wrap around my waist as mine move into his hair.But then again, Shiro unlocks his door and I curse, pulling away from Lance. He grabs my wrist."Not this time." he whispered and pushed me into his room. He places a finger on my lips, signaling me to be quite."Come'r" He wraps his arms around my waist and doesn't even waste a second. His lips are back on mine and I couldn't be more happier. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck and pull him towards his bed.The back of my knee hit the bed and we both fall back. Lance supports his weight on his arm as he continues to kiss me.He grabs my waist and flips us over so I was on top. His hands slide down my back and grabbed my ass again. I pull away and sit up on him. He sits up with me, stares into my eyes as he squezzed my ass again.

I rolled my eyes at him but he squezzed them harder, smikring at me. I looked down at him and licked my lips as I slip my fingers through his hair. I pull his head back as I lingered my lips over his."I like your hair." I said and pecked his lips. He smiled."I like your butt." he squezzed them again."I like your eyes." I stared ino his ocean eyes."I like your lips." he said as he looked at mine and licked his own and brush our lips. I smiled as I pull away."I like you." I whispered as I bit my bottom lip. He fliped us over so he was on top again and pinned me down with his body."Good." he whispered back and kissed me. I open my mouth as his tongue lick me bottom lip. Our tongues glide against each other and I moan. He leaves my mouth and trails kisses across my jaw and down my neck. I whimp as he sucks on my skin below my ear. I grab hold of the back of his neck."Lance..." A whimp escapes my lips as his hands slid under my top and he feels my skin."Keith.." he reciprocates and pulls it off slowly.His lips slowly trail kisses down till my nipple and then licked it while his fingers pinched and teased the other. I let my head fall back, trying to suppress the weird noises I am making.

He bit my nipple a bit hard and I let out a whine."Let me hear you." he whispered as he kissed his way my torso then back up. "Let me hear you." he whispered again as he pressed his lips against mine.In the heat of the kiss, he thrushed his hips foward, grinding his hard against mine. I moan as he continues to move slowly, grinding, torturing me.I grab hold of his shoulder and push him down, climbing on top, straddling his hips. I pull down both our pants and grabbed our cocks together.Lance moaned as I began grinding against him, my hands pumping fast and our lips moving faster.I gasp as I felt Lance grab the tip of our cocks and rubbed them with his thumb.A moan slips my lips as I pull away and sit on top of him, still grinding.


He breaths, as I continue moving my hips."Haa.. I'm close." I pant as he moves his hands faster."Me too." He moans and pulls ne down again, kissing me.He grabs my ass and starts thrushing in my hand as I gasp into his mouth."I'm coming."  I moan as I came on his stomach followed my him.I drop on top of him,panting, not caring of the mess we just made, my head resting on his shoulder.His hand runs touchs the back of my neck and he runs his hand though my hair. I look up to him and he's smiling.I lean forward and kiss him again."I'm glad I came here today." I say."Me too."
This made me cringe writing this

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