Singing wars

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Keith POV
I freaking hate my soulmate.

I haven't met them yet, but I already hate them. They're constantly singing the worst songs imaginable. Cotten eye Joe, Party in the USA, need I go on?

Example:The other day I was just eating my lunch in peace outside.In a park. Some people were singing, but they were singing quietly. Their soulmates at least care not to sing at the top of their lungs. Suddenly..."SUNNY DAYS! SWEEPING UP CLOUDS AWAY! ON MY WAY TO WHERE THE AIR IS SWEET! WON'T YOU TELL ME HOW TO GET, HOW TO GET TO SESAME STREEEEEEEEEEET!?"Top of my lungs. People were looking.My face was beet red. So, you can see why I hate my soulmate, right? I've been wanting to get back at them, but I didn't know how. However, this morning I decided that two can play at this game. I'm currently sitting on my bed.

I clear my throat. "THIS IS THE SONG THAT DOESN'T END IT JUST GOES ON AND ON MY FRIENDS..." This better show them. When I'm done singing, I lay down on my bed. "I AM A SUPERSTAR WITH A BIG BIG HOUSE AND A BIG BIG CAR I AM A SUPERSTAR AND I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE..."This person's got guts, I'll give them that. "WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS..."Literally three hours later, I am so tired of singing, I give up.To let the other person know, I sing a few lines from a song by imagine dragons.

"I'm giving up, giving up, hey hey, giving up now!"Soon, my soulmate sings:"Tonight we are victorious!"I smile."Shut the hell up." I mumble.It's been a few days since the singing incident. I decide to hang out with Shiro today. I pick up my phone and call him asking him if that's okay. "That's fine, but I have someone over right now. So, unless you don't care about another person hanging out with us...""Nah, that's fine. I could use more friends."Shiro laughs.

I hang up and head over to his house. We don't live that far away from each other, so thankfully I can just walk there.

When I reach his house, I knock on the door. A few seconds later, a man wearing all black answers the door. His hair is black and his bangs are white.

"Hey, Shiro." I say. Shiro smiles."Keith! Come on in!" I walk in his house, take off my shoes and follow him to his living room. On the couch is a boy my age with tan skin and brown hair. "Keith, Lance. Lance, Keith." We wave at each other. "Hi!" Lance says."Hi."I spend the rest of the day talking with Lance and Shiro. Lance and I are complete opposites, but we get along really well.

He's also not that bad looking.

By the end of the day, Lance and I exchange numbers. On the way back to my house, I start humming to myself. A few months later, Lance and I really get to know each other. I invite him to come over to my house.He agrees and should be here any minute. I clean up a bit and hear a knock at the door.

I run over to the door and open it to see a smiling Lance. "Come on in." I tell him. He takes his shoes off and we walk to my living room. "You've got a nice place, Keith." Lance tells me. "Thanks."Honestly, it's not much. Just a white carpet with blue sofas. Also a TV. Lance and I talk about really random things. "One time, when I was home alone, I heard a little girl giggling. I walked to the source and found saw a little girl covered in blood.""Yeah, right, Lance!"
"It's true!"
"Right. And I'm a vampire."
"I knew it!"
After a little while, it's a bit quiet. "So... I hope you don't mind me asking... but what's your soulmate like?" I ask, trying to break the silence. Lance shrugs. "Don't know. I haven't met them yet. I do know that when they want to, they can cause a singing war!" Lance laughs. "A few months ago, they started singing 'the song that doesn't end' and things escalated from there. It was kinda cute actually."My face becomes tomato red. That couldn't have been between us, right?

To test my theory, I silently sing under my breath. "When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see a marching band..."Lance smiles."I love this song!" He squeals."HE SAID 'SON WHEN YOU GROW UP'..." We're both belting the song, and I keep trying to cover my mouth. Lance stops singing and looks over at me. My hands are still over my mouth.

"Yeah?" I ask, still very flustered. "Why do you know 'the song that never ends'?""Why do you know the Barbie song!?" I retort. "Also, may I add that your singing at random times has been very inconvenient for me? I was having a serious discussion with someone then suddenly, I start singing 'let it go'! And another thing! You-"He interrupts my ranting with a kiss.

Normally, I would be pushing him away, but we've known each other for a little while, so I don't really mind. And I mean, damn. The boy can kiss. He puts his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck. We stay like that a little while.

When we pull away, we're both out of breath. I smile and hug him. Pretty soon, we're cuddling on the couch watching  a movie. I still don't understand why he sings the songs he sings, but whatever.
——————————————————————— well Keith can start a really good singing war

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