Keith is a maid ?!?

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It was a normal day on the castle and they where all chilling in the control room, everyone was in there but lance and Keith, they where in lances room having a private conversation"Keith please do it for me" lance begged " what why do I have to wear it even though your begging me to put it on so badly" Keith hated dressing up he always had, he never knew what everyone's obsession was about it "1. Cause I can't fit it and 2. It didn't look right on me so I'm asking you to see if it would look good on you and would fit" lance said " ugh fine I'll wear the stupid thing but I'm not wearing anything else got it" Keith said as he grabbed the outfit and went into the bathroom.Keith's POVI don't understand everyone's obsession with dressing up like your only gonna use them once or twice...right? I thought as I stare at the costume just get it over with Keith I keep saying in my head as I slowly put it on,and surprisingly it fits but I'm not sure it I look good I'm it though. I walked out to show lance and he looked like he was dieting of cuteness on the inside or something I don't know " Keith you look," I cut lance off just to say " ugly,terrible, waste of my time" I say "yo looked beautiful, you look like a real maid Keith" lance says as he gets up to hug me "well I'm gonna go change back into my clothes so yea" I say as I try to get out of lances grip but he hugs me tighter " you are not gonna change back into your clothes until I say so got it" lance said "what am I your real maid now" I say sarcastically hoping to get a chuckle from lance, but boy was I wrong "yeah and I order you to come out with me to go  where everyone else is" lance orders me like I'm his slave or something "what no, I'm not going out there like this" I said getting ticked off slightly "yes you are and you know what your going out this room first" lance said as I got kicked out of his room, lance came out soon after.Readers POVlance and Keith made it out of lances room as the where gonna meet up with the others. " have you guys seen lance and Keith" hunk asked worried a little " the last place I saw them was them heading into lances room but I think that they are far away from his room now" shiro said "oh...ok" hunk said as he slightly calmed down, and as soon as he was calmed and just finished their conversation about the two speak of the devil they came In "look at Keith~" lance said acting like a teenage girl who just found the right dress for the 'prom queen' in this case the perfect maid outfit "woah what did you guys get yourself into" pidge said looking at them "lance forced me to wear this maid outfit cause he couldn't fit it so he forced me to wear it.." Keith said with an annoyed sigh "oh so who's the master then if your the maid" pidge asked "I don't know but I'm guessing lance is cause he forced me to wear this out here" Keith said looking at lance " uh, yes I guess I'll be his master I mean I did-" lance was cut off by everyone saying at once "we know lance"  lance felt very dumb at the moment but was glad that he was Keith's master. Lance than sat down on the couch and then Keith came and sat down far away from lance as possible " yo you ain't gonna get your maid" hunk laughed as he was pushing lances buttons " hunk I love you man,I really do but don't tease me man,but you do make a good case though" lance said as he was thinking about something getting lost in thought "Keith," Lance said as Keith looked at him with a mad expression " your expecting me to get you something, ha think again" Keith said looking at lance with a fuck you expression " uh anyway I want you to get my..." lance paused trying to think of what he wanted "what, do you want me to get your brain back" Keith shot back at lance giving him an idea " I want you to get the big brown box that is laying on my bed" lance ordered " ugh fine whatever I'll give you the box" Keith said getting up and left into lances room to get the box that was laying on his bed. He managed to find it in his bed and took it back where everyone was, Keith was wondering what was in the box as he had a bad habit of not waiting to open it, but he did wait to see what it was once he came back to the living room where everyone was looking at Keith as he came in with the box " what's in the box?" Hunk asked curiously " you'll see and it's for Keith" lance said as pidge sat there confused thinking at what lance said, which brought her mind somewhere else "so you bought a 'pleasure toy' for Keith" pidge whispered to lance "what? You could say a pleasure toy but I actually got it if keith denied my orders, I knew that this was gonna happen so I went ahead and got it" lance whispered back to pidge, pidge began to fangirl, Keith looked at pidge confused but ignored it " here lance" keith said as he shoved it into lances face and then sat down, lance began to open the box to see the toy inside, pidge began to think about how lance was gonna use it on Keith and she began to have a slight nose bleed grabbing a tissue box and keeping it with her. "Just as I expected it to be" lance said as he held a black bag seeing the object on his side, Keith looked at it confuse as he thought about what it was, obviously thinking that it was another one of lances beauty care stuff that he got but he was confused why pidge had a nose bleed, lance got up and went to his room as lance knew that Keith would yell at him for making him walk down there and back,and as lance expect he hears Keith walking over to lances room " what the hell lance you know you could have walked down here and got it yourself ya know" Keith said with an angered tone, Lance then grabbed Keith's arm and flung him onto the bed pinning Keith down "l-lance what the fuck let go!" Keith yelled as he was kissed by lance and then pulled something out of the black bag from earlier, Keith's eyes widen to see the size of the dildo or as lance and pidge called it a 'pleasure toy'. Keith stared at it as he saw lance turn the mob on the toy and sees that it was a vibrating dildo, lance then rubbed it up and down Keith's member making him tremble "this is what happens when you get and attitude with your master" lance said as he holds it on Keith's member as Keith gasped for air "l-lance" Keith gasped gripping the sheets "you like that" lance said In a seductive tone as he adds a little bit of pressure making Keith shake under lance "l-lance~" Keith lets out a small moan as he starts to get turned on slightly "I see your friend who is trying to poke out" lance says as he takes the toy away from Keith's member, Keith relaxed as he felt himself as he felt a sharp pain in his neck, he sees lance as he was giving him a hickey, Keith moaned slightly as he wrapped his arms around lances neck "is this your first time?" Lance asked Keith as he slowly pulled away from Keith's neck " yeah..." Keith said as he turned away, "don't worry Keith I won't go to hard on you" lance whispered into Keith's ear making him shiver.Pidge was at the door listening from outside having a fangirl moment as she had a bunch of tissues stuffed In her nose.Lance and Keith began to strip as lance was kissing all up and down Keith's chest, soon they where both undressed and Keith was sitting in lances lap, lance slowly entered Keith as Keith started to tremble as he payed his head on lances shoulder, lance kissed Keith's shoulder leaving another hickey " it's ok Keith I'm not gonna hurt you till maybe after we are done with this" Lance said in a calming voice so Keith could loosen up, eventually he did and lance was inside Keith, Keith was blushing deeply as let let out moans from time to time, " I never knew what this side of Keith would act like, but I knew you had another side just never knew what it acted like" lance said as he started to thrust into Keith, Keith kept thing how things got this way and he would have never thought that he would have sex with his 'rival', "l-lance~!" Keith whimpered as lance knew how to deal with a virgin, not saying that he has done it with other people but he claims that he was a 'pro' when it came to this.Lances POVI'm fucking my rival that doesn't make since,does it? Were we even rivals in the first place, I mean I knew I loved Keith but I didn't know that I would have ended up fucking him today like god. I decided to pick up the pace a little seeing how Keith's body was acting, I knew how do deal with a virgin even though I never did it with anyone but how am I staying clam and not like freaking out about this, I'm freaking out in my head! Like damn I never knew that this would ever come true, cause I might of had a few wet dreams about Keith but I was also a 'pro' as I clam myself to be.I was lost in thought as I hear " lance~" Keith moaned as I was out of thought and started to speed up a little more hearing Keith was moaning uncontrollably, I never knew how beautiful his moans where but they are music to my ears, I could tell that me and Keith where close to climaxing that's when I realized that we hadn't even used a damn condom so before I came inside Keith I pulled it out and Keith started to suck as I was planning on telling him anyway, after a few minutes I came in Keith's mouth as he swallowed it and then laid in my bed "hp how was it" I asked Keith so I could get his opinion and to make sure that it would be safe to have sex another time " I actually liked it, and you saying you were a 'pro' made me feel a little bit more safer" Keith says as he lays his head on my chest "well if I'm gonna be honest I actually never knew what to do, but I did have wet dreams about you so I knew what to do" I said as I slowly started to blush "oh? Well now I feel like I gotta be honest with you now, I actually never hated you, I just hid my feelings very well" Keith says as he starts to drift off slowly, I kiss him on his head " I knew you never hated me" I smiled as we both went to sleep.Readers POVIt was like a few hours since they just got finished having sex and pidge's nose bleed had calmed down as she went back to meet the others " hey" pidge said as she smiled and couldn't stop smiling and then starts to giggle " why are you so giggly" shirt asked " cause...why not?" Pidge knew she couldn't really lie but she loved to laugh. Then everyone had their own conversation when all they hear is yelling from the two love birds, complaining about their sex or how Keith was gonna hide his hickey, but the yelling calmed down as they both met up with everyone else " hey love birds" hunk said as he was in the kitchen trying to make the food goo taste better, " so how was it" shiro asked as Keith blushed and looked away from shiro " it was great and I think we might finally not be rivals anymore other than like a little play fight or something" lance says as he hugged Keith, pidge had a mental break down and her face looked so funny from all of the cuteness of the two everyone started laughing and talked about other things.

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