Son of a.......

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It was dark. Keith looked around him, unable to see anything, though he knew he was in his bedroom. He could make the out line of the bed, desk, and closet, but not the door. He was closed off from the rest of the ship. From the team."Hello?" He called, hoping for a response. Nothing. He sighed."Keith?" A voice asked.

Keith recognized it right away. He turned and looked behind him, seeing the owner of the voice. Lance stood there, his breathing heavy. His clothes were askew and his hair was a mess.

Either way, Keith was relieved to see him. He walked over and stood in front of him. Lance reached out and pulled the ravenette close, wrapping his slim arms around Keiths waist. Keith didnt fight it though."Keith." Lance sighed, pulling him closer. Keith rested the palm of his hand on Lance's cheek. They were pink and warmed the black leather on his pale skin."Lance..." He trailed. He drew Lance's mouth to his own and slotted their lips together. Fire raced up Keiths spine and flooded his chest as Lance mewled into his mouth, pulling him closer and tangling his fingers in the brown hair. Keith probed Lance's lips with his tongue, coaxing the soft flesh apart. Lance whimpered and let Keith in, allowing the pink muscle to explore his mouth. Keiths tongue rubbed itself against Lance's, causing Lance to make a whining sound in the back of his throat before tilting his head to the side a little and gripping tightly onto Keiths jacket. Lance then grabbed tightly on to Keith's back and pulled the jacket off of him. Keith said nothing about it and let Lance walk him backwards towards the bed. Keith's knees hit the bed and, as he sat down, Lance seated himself in his lap, clasping his legs tightly against clothed skin.Keith could feel Lance's hardness against his own, making him bite back a moan when Lance rolled his hips down into Keith. He let out a small gasp at the friction, pulling Lance closer. Keith moved his lips from Lance's to the hot skin of his throat, wrapping the bronze flesh between his lips and sucking. Lance moaned and arched his back, pressing himself against Keith. Keith continued to leave marks up and down Lance's neck, making sure they couldn't be hidden by a coat or shirt."K-Keith, I...want you." Lance whined, pulling weakly at the fabric of Keith's shirt."Y..yeah...god, me too." Keith swiftly pulled Lance's shirt up and over his head, tossing it aside. Keith pulled his hands out of his gloves, tossed them aside and let his hands roam over the tanned skin, sliding up the sides and shoulders.

Lance's soft skin burned under Keith's touch, making the Cuban groaned when pale fingers dug into his hips. Lance gasped as Keith wrapped his lips around a brown nub and pulled it between his teeth, laving his tongue over the sensitive skin."Mm not...a girl." Lance whined, fisting Keith's hair in his fingers. Keith just hummed and pulled away with an obscene 'pop'."You like it." He said before doing the same to the other. Lance moaned a garbled version of Keith's name through his biten lips. Keith suddenly pushed Lance back."Keith?" He asked, confused."Get up for a sec." Keith said. Lance obliged, standing up shakily. He was suddenly pushed onto his stomach and Keith was on him instantly, leaning over and brushing his lips against the nape of his neck. Lance gasped, his back bowing as Keith's teeth latched onto the juncture of his neck and shoulder and sucked."Ngh...Keith, ah." Lance moaned."Sensitive?" Keith teased. Lance went to snap back, but the words got caught in his throat as Keith's hand slipped past the waist band of his jeans and cupped his ass. "I've always wanted to see if your ass would fit in my hands." He murmured.

Lance scoffed. Keith's hungry gaze raked over Lance's body, drinking in the tan muscled skin that was exposed to him. He carefully pulled the jeans down long legs and tossed them behind him. Goosebumps rose on them as Keith slid his hand up Lance's thigh. Lance shivered. Keith noticed the tinge of pink that blanketed Lance's back, along with the minor freckles here and there. He licked his lips before running his tongue against the hot skin. Lance jumped."K-Keith...tickles..." He moaned. Keith ran his tongue over the hot skin, sucking here and there. He left mark after mark along Lance's shoulders, nipping at the thin skin that covered his spine and shoulder blades. Lance gasped, rocking his hips towards Keith, grinding himself against Keith's clothed erection. Keith swore, biting his lower lip harshly."Ngh...Lance..." groaned, yanking his shirt over his head. Keith wrapped his hand around Lance's chest and pulled him closer as Keith loomed over him, snaking his free hand to Lance's front and palming him through his briefs."Ah...hngh...K-Keith..."

Lance moaned, gripping the sheets in front of him tightly. Keith moved his hand, causing Lance to whine from the loss, and slipped a finger near Lance's enterance, rubbing the puckered skin. Lance was already wet."Did you...?" Keith trailed, unsure of how to ask."A-already prepared...myself..." Lance sighed, rubbing his backside against Keith again, wanting."Fuck, Lance."

Keith breathed out harshly. He flipped Lance onto his back before slipping off his pants and underwear, doing the same to Lance. Lance gasped as cold air met his hardened cock, Keith hovering over him. "You're so hot." He sighed, gripping a tan thigh and hooking the leg over his shoulder."K-Keith..." Lance whined, wrapping his arms around Keith's neck. "D-do it already.." His hot breath rushed over Keith's skin, making goosebumps erupt across his neck and shoulders.

"Gonna go slow...get you used to it..."Keith groaned, pressing his tip against Lance's entrance. Lance mewled as Keith pushed, his tight heat sucking him in."K-Keeeiiiithhh ngh..." Lance moaned, arching his back slightly."F-fuck..." Keith cursed, slowly filling Lance until he was fully sheathed. "You' fucking hot..." He grunted, freezing when his hips were flush against Lance's back side. Lance gasped and tightened around Keith, making Keith grunt. He placed kisses to the top of Lance's head, as a way to calm him. "You ok?" He asked. Lance wrapped his arms around Keith's shoulders, digging his nails into the pale skin."M-move...please..." Lance whined. Keith nodded and pulled back, only to push back in slowly. "K-Keith...ah...""Doing so good for m-me..." Keith groaned. Lance whined, hooking a leg around Keith's waist, pulling him closer. He huffed a breath with each slow thrust, tightening himself. Keith groaned."M-more..." Lance whined. Keith smirked."More what?" He asked, smugly. Lance mewled in protest, his face heating up, darkening in color. "I won't k-know if you don't tell me...""H-harder! Fuck me harder, damnit!" Lance snapped.

Keith smirked, but sped up all the same. Lance moaned and gasped with each hard thrust, sounds of skin against skin filled the small room. Keith suddenly pushed against the back of Lance's thighs, hooking both knees over his shoulders. Keith managed to hit deeper at this angle, making Lance cry out.

It was when Lance started babbling in Spanish that Keith's skin boiled, heat flushing his body, egging him on."F-fuck, you look so hot like this." Keith grunted with effort.

"So pretty taking my cock..." Lance moaned a garbled version of Keith's name again, saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth and running down his neck. "My little slut, you're mine...all mine..." Keith's words made Lance flush with embarrassment, but it turned him on all the same."M-mierda!! Keith, agh!

Lance suddenly keened, his back arching off the bed."There, huh?" Keith groaned, thrusting into Lance's prostate. Lance cried out, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes."Más más más más!!" Lance chanted breathlessly, wrapping both legs around Keith, his heels digging into Keith's lower back. Keith moved faster, his hips snapping relentlessly, looming over Lance."Shit!" Keith grunted, his blunt nails digging into Lance's skin. Keith felt Lance tighten around him harshly."Keith, fuck fuck!! I--I'm g-gonna...!" Lance moaned loudly."나는 또한..." Keith groaned.".............." Lance moaned something, but Keith couldn't hear him.

He opened his eyes that he didn't even know were shut. They locked with pristine blue as he took in the boy below him. Lance's cheeks were flushed a pretty pink, his eyes half lidded and pupils blown. Sweat made his bangs stick to his forehead and dripped down his neck. Tears beaded in the corner of his eyes. His kiss bitten lips were parted as he gasped and moaned Keith's name. The look Lance gave him made Keith shiver."Gonna....oh God!" Lance cried out as he came, Keith not following far behind. Keith came with a roar, tightening his grip on Lance's hips.Keith sat up with a gasp, his face flushed and eyes wide."What the hell?" He asked the empty room, his breathing heavy. Keith lifted up the covers and looked down at himself. His boxers were soiled. He let out a groan and gripped his hair tightly. "Son of a bitch..." He muttered, before getting up to change.
I was cringing whilst I was writing this and I my friend Oliver helped me

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