Group Chat: Respect And Child Games

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Daryl: Hey

Rick: Truth or Dare?

Daryl: Dare?

Carl: What are we doing?

Daryl: Read previous texts.

Carl: Oh dear Jesus.

Jesus: Someone said Jesus. What do you want?

Carl: Other Jesus...

Jesus: Oh I see how it is.

Carl: I didn't mean it like that.

Jesus: It's always gotta be about the other Jesus, doesn't it?!

Carl: We don't have time for this!

Jesus: Oh but you have time for the other Jesus.

Father Gabriel: Please do not disturb my praying. Nor should you disrespect the lord.

Maggie: Please do not disturb my napping. Nor should you disrespect my baby.

Carl: Wow! Really Maggie?

Maggie: Unless you want to babysit more then just your sister I would recommend you not to judge.


Daryl: Dare.

Carl: God damn it, Daryl.

Father Gabrial: What did I just speak about, Carl?!

Rick: I dare you to only text in emojis.

Daryl: 👌🏽

Carl: Oh, I guess that wasn't that bad.

Rick: Carl.

Carl: Shit.

Rick: Truth or dare?

Carl: Truth. 🙏🏽

Rick: Do you like Enid?

Daryl: 👍🏽 1️⃣  ®️📍🍉🎋

                      Carl left chat

Rick: I take that as a yes.


You thought I was going to leave you guys hanging on The Walking Dead's 100th episode anniversary, didn't you?
Well if you did, you were wrong. New author's note in the author's notes book, please go check it out it is of great importance. Please, thank you, love you all, Bèuliaña out.

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