Enid/Carl: Saddle

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Today 12:09 am

Enid: Hey
Carl: Hey
Enid: Can I ask you something?
Carl: Go ahead
Enid: Are you a virgin?
Carl: Yeah
Enid: I'll be over with a pack of condoms in 5 minutes. Hardcore or softcore?
Carl: ...Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Enid: PICK
Carl: Y - Your choice, I don't care.
Enid: Awww, is cowboy scared that he has to be a horse for one night?
Carl: Pshhh no, Imma go hard on you! So you better get your saddle!
Enid: Okay😍😏
Carl: If you want you can wear my hat.
Enid: I'd be honored😉
Carl: You thirsty?
Enid: Hell yeah!
Carl: Good, I found cans of soda yesterday.
Enid: Mood wrecked
Carl: We still on?
Enid: I'll be 😉😏

Today 3:26 pm

Carl: Hey
Enid: Hey
Carl: I still can't believe you brought a fucking saddle
Enid: I'm committed ...
Carl: Hey so am I!
Enid: And I love that ... even though you didn't let me use the saddle 😘

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