Chapter 11: Pure Love's Motive. (Part II)

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She was on my mind more than I assumed that I would think of her. Sometimes I would inattentively picture her right next to me as days would go by. I tried going to the breathtaking garden to experience what I previously experienced when I was there with her, but she never showed. I wonder if her people knew of us and what we did. It was just kissing after all, nothing more than that. Or maybe it was the fact that she got scared due to the disobeying of her tribe's rules. 'The Rule of Intimacy' as they call it. Either way I longed to see her more.

Our settlement's invasions have been spreading to nearly a quarter of Eastern Africa and each time I would be paranoid for her tribe not to be discovered. Who knows what other blithe actions might take place between me and her if she gets captured by my fellow settlers.

My observational thoughts were distracted by Mr. Anderson as he began a speech of the new evolvement and power. We were all sitting outside around a firewood formed in a circle - mostly the men, camping beneath the dark sky and twinkling stars. Our women were inside their tents as we were out here celebrating our achievements.

"And now, we will have one of our Villager matches! Or as I like to call it in my head, Nigger matches. Bring 'em out, boys!" I shook my head slightly as I took a sip from my hard cider. Anderson's idea of villagers fighting each other has been an intriguing idea to most of the settlers and I guess it's fun to watch every now and then. It's when it gets to death that it becomes disturbing, reminding me of how bad this idea is in the first place. The winner is the one who kills and Anderson either assigns a fair match, where the strong battles against the strong, or sometimes he would assign unfair matches just for the joy of it, where the weak battles against the strong. He would give the winner little rewards like eating one of our good meals for a day or taking a warm bath. My attention was drawn to the villagers lined up facing down as they feared of who could get picked. Mr. Anderson walked back and forth studying each villager from head to toe to determine their physical strengths.

"You!" He pointed to one of the villagers who was tall and muscular, and gestured for him to walk next to the firewood where large logs were piled as a hill to intensify and maintain the fire. The villager walked towards it hesitantly. "Aaaaaaand, you!" He picked another villager who was fairly the same size as the first and gestured him to the firewood as well. By the looks on their faces, I could tell they knew each other and were fearing for the worst: death upon another. "Let the fighting begin!" He gestured to both villagers to start fighting. Something tells me Mr. Anderson had taught them the meaning of his gestures, especially towards fighting. They began hesitating until my fellow settlers began rooting for who would win, even my brother Roy. In the midst of this, I was not as entertained as everyone else. I looked over to my brother shouting while holding a tight grip on his beer. Overtime throughout these moments, I slowly began detesting this scenario. My mind drifted back to her again and I knew I couldn't control that.

A bullet spat out creating a loud thunder as it broke the air, pulling me from my deep thoughts where she dwelt in. I saw one of the villager's body on the ground in an already pool of blood while the other crying out loud in terror. My eyes trailed to Mr. Anderson who had a gun in his hand as smoke came out of the entrance of the gun, why am I not surprised?

"Let's do somethin' different here! Bring out the female niggers!"

"Anderson, what the hell?!" One of his southern friends spoke his mind out loud. Anderson still gestured his fellow settlers to bring out, ignoring his friend. A series of loud high-pitched screams and weeps escaped the villagers' tent and continued as they were brought out next to the firewoods.

"Now we can have ourselves a women nigger match!" He gave out his hideous chuckles as the female villagers were aligned. He walked back and forth studying each of the female to determine their physical strengths just like he did previously with the males and selected two females. These females were different however, they were an unfair match. One of the females was strong, a bit muscular and in shape but still maintained a natural curveous body shape while the other one was weak and overweight with a very small waist.

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