“I called this meeting together to inform everyone that we should be taking action against the Queen’s council soon, now that we have Avery, our plans can move along much more swiftly.” Ez’s voice booms through the quiet auditorium like building and my nerves reverberate throughout my limbs. A deep unsettling silence rings in my ears and I stare ahead blankly as Ez continues.
“For approximately two hundred years, our pack has been enslaved to these self-proclaimed Gods who think they can control all life forms. Well my fellow pack members their time for dominion has come to an end. We are going to take back our freedom and fulfill the vision our late Alpha Alaric had.” He states; his eyes glazed and heavy, like a memory ran behind his eyelids and gave him the strength to carry the words with passion as they pass between his lips.
My insides twist and turn, inside there is a fire burning; I want this to happen, I believe every word Ez mutters and I want the wolves’ freedom just as bad. But I’m nervous, I don’t know the extent of Terra’s power and I don’t know how I could be of any use in this.
“Avery, if you could join me?” Ez whispers, bending and stretching out his hand for me to take. My body shudders, what is he doing? I look towards Zane in confusion and am greeted with a warm expecting smile. Zane squeezes my hand and mouths ‘It’s okay.”
I swallow hard and grab Ez’s hand; he pulls me up swiftly and keeps ahold of my hand. I’m grateful, if he wasn’t holding onto me I’d probably fall with how my legs are practically cooked spaghetti noodles at the moment and are quivering uncontrollably. My head is completely in shambles, every thought is pigmented like a puzzle, and the room is spinning beneath me as the walls fade slowly. My breath is hitched and short; my chest hurts from the building tension, and my palms are creating lakes from all the sweat pouring out of them.
I wait patiently for my impending doom. At least on the outside it looks like I’m waiting patiently, but on the inside it’s like I’m slowly dying a painful death with each passing second.
“Avery, on behalf of the entire wolf community, I ask you to lead our pack against the Queen. I know it’s not fair of me to ask this of you; but you have to trust I wouldn’t if there were another way.” He looks as if he’s genuinely upset with all of this, but I still don’t understand why I’m such an important piece in this?
And then he continues… “Your father was very influential, he was prideful and cared deeply about his community. He would be so proud to see the woman you’ve become.” He stops for a mere second to take a deep breath that seems pained. “Your place is here, your birth right is being the Alpha of this pack, and I ask you to protect us. To help us against our enemies, but mostly, I ask you to carry on your father’s plan with us.” Ez exhales; he must’ve practiced this speech a thousand times. His eyes look desperate and pleading. What do I do?
“You don’t have to answer just yet…but think about it. We’ll need an answer soon if our plans are going to move forward, but I don’t want you to take a position you’re not ready for.” He quickly adds after a small patch of silence. I don’t know what to say, how to react, or anything really.
“Why am I so important?” I whisper to Ez because it’s the only question I could form. I stand uncomfortably, shifting my weight from side to side. I didn’t notice when Ez let my hand go, but now that the warmth of his grasp is missing; goose bumps rise up my arms.
“You are important because you have what none of us has…” he pauses for a moment. As I wait for him to continue, I look out to the crowd… many faces are hopeful, like they are relying on my answer with every ounce of their being, and some, like Mila, are scowling in disbelief. I focus on Mila’s expression, mostly because she’s one I can identify, and see doubt. Doubt and envy, but doubt most of all.

The Vampire Covens
VampirTwo years after Avery Lovelace's parents die and she uproots her life from New York to small town Tupelo, Mississippi things are starting to feel normal again. That is until... a newcomer with an agenda that involves her comes to town. Zane Greenwoo...