The Book and the Boy

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I climb one of the trees that was closest to me, jumping from branch to branch until I was a fair distance away from where the camp was. I watch as boys walk into the clearing. One of the boys, a taller one that looked to be the leader, started talking. Tamara stepped in front of Henry, who had stood up, shielding him from the leader.

Out of no where a shadow swoops down, ripping the shadow of the man from his body. He screams in agony and the fire in the fireplace burns brighter. The man's body falls lifeless to the ground and Tamara turns to Henry, shouting something at him. Henry runs off into the woods, opposite the direction I was, while Tamara tries to run but ends up getting shot by an arrow in the back.

I gasp silently, not wanting to give away my hiding place, watching the group of boys leave the two dead bodies in the clearing to go find Henry. There must've been a reason why they were still keeping him alive, hopefully he'd live to see his family again, but I on the other hand would possibly be killed as soon as they found me or figured out I was even on the island.

"Good luck Henry" I mumble quietly under my breath.

I climb down from the tree after making sure everybody was gone and run in the other direction of everybody else. I hop over tree roots, duck under branches, all while trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do.

I stop running when I make it to the edge of the island with no where else to run but back. I place a hand on my chest, trying to calm my breathing while I thought up a plan. I turn away from the ocean towards the forest, looking up at the luminous moon above it. From the light given off by the moon I noticed two figures flying through the sky, one of them looked to be Henry. I couldn't make out the details of the boy with him but just by seeing him with the naive boy I was supposed to protect made me think something was up.

Henry somehow noticed me standing outside of the forest with my hood over my head and waves at me, looking very happy to have found me. He says something to the boy next to him with a bright smile on his face. The boy looks at me, looking like he was genuinely shocked to see me there. The both of them start floating to the ground amongst the trees and I lose sight of them.

I run my hands over my face, trying to wipe away the tiredness that was starting to wash over me and start running in the direction of where the boys had went down. I step on a pile of leaves after about a minute of running and am instantly dragged upside down, hanging by my foot from a tree. I curse in my head and try to untie the vine but it wouldn't give, the knot was tied too tight.

I hang there in defeat, my cloak dragging on the ground and my arms dangling above my head. I hear a rustle in the bushes and look around, trying to figure out if this was an animal or a beast. A woman with blonde hair in green steps out from behind the bushes.

"Who are you?" She asks me.

"That depends, who are you?" I ask, trying to keep my eyes on her movements, making sure she wasn't going to try and stab me with the knife hooked on her belt.

"I'm Tinker Bell"

I scrunch my eyebrows together. The name sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. Either that or the blood that was going to my head was doing some damage on my brain.

"How did you get on this island? Clearly the shadow didn't bring you, you'd be with Pan by now, then there's the fact that you're a girl"

"I came through a portal. I'm looking for a fairy who knew the Witch of the East. I'm Seraphina, the Witch's daughter"

"You need to come with me, before he finds us" she says, rushing to cut the vine that held me upside down.


"Pan" she whispers. "I'll tell you more later, right now you need to follow me"

The blade slices through the vine and I crash onto the ground. Tinker Bell helps me stand up and practically drags me through the forest, me stumbling along behind her blindly towards only she knows where. We come upon a tree house built high up in the trees, most likely to keep anyone from finding it easily. She grabs a vine that had been hidden amongst other vines and starts climbing. I follow behind, pulling myself into the treehouse after her.

"You might've guessed this by now but I was a friend of your moms. We met in the Enchanted Forest, before I lost my wings" she says, growing sad as she mentions her wings. "Before your mom left the Enchanted Forest she gave me a book, journal. I don't know what it is, she put a spell on it so I couldn't read it. But she told me if I ever ran into you to give it to you"

"So you have her journal"

"I do. I never thought you'd come all the way to Neverland just to get it though"

"She went missing and left me a note, telling me to get her journal. She must not have had enough time to put in all the details, I only guessed that you'd have it"

Tinker Bell reaches under her bed - which had a blanket made out of leaves on top - and pulls out the journal I had been looking for. It was old, worn down, dusty, but it was the book. The same leather bound book I had seen my mom writing in when I was little.

I go to open it but Tinker Bell stops me. "Don't open it until you get off of Neverland. I don't know what's written inside but it must be important if your mom put a spell on it so only you could open it. If you open it and it gets into the hands of Pan he could use it against you, or even against everyone on the island"

"Ok. Now could you explain who Pan is to me?"

"Well he's Peter Pan like in the stories but the complete opposite. He's twisted, evil"

"So when my mother was describing the island it wasn't the island she was talking about, it was the beast that lives on it"

Tinker Bell hesitates. "I wouldn't call him a beast... if anything he's as lost as the lost boys"

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