Is It Love?

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Was what he said true? Did I already love him? I could've just as easily been hiding it from myself, kept it buried with the rest of my feelings.

But how would he know? He can't read minds and he can't see into the future... I think.

He didn't, couldn't. He was just hoping, thinking he was so handsome and charming that he'd win my love eventually. But no, he wouldn't.

Maybe that was just me hoping, thinking that I would never fall for that handsome devil. I'd never win his love - not that I cared - but he'd have mine. What would he have to gain with that? Nothing because my love is worth nothing.

Then why?

"What's on your mind love?" Pan asks, appearing in the treehouse.

I was laying on the bed, my face buried in the pillows, my legs spread out behind me. I didn't care to look up when I heard his voice, I only grunted. I felt the bed dip beside me and hands touch my waist. He flipped me over so I was laying on my back, looking up at him. His hands stayed on my waist as he smirked down at me.

"Thinking about me, are you?"

"Yes" I answer, surprising him. "I realized something"

"And what's that?"

"You are still human, a boy. You may act like a beast but you are not one. You have a heart, besides the one that belongs to Henry" I poke his chest. "It may be all black and shrivelled up but there is still a heart inside of you"

"That's nonsense"

"It's not. The other day, you looked at me with something other than hate in your eyes. It's because the heart you have can still be saved"

He stands up from the bed, walking over to a desk and sitting at it. I flip onto my side, facing away from him, listening to the scribble of a pencil on paper. I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep but stopped when I heard the chair silently scrape on the floor. I kept my eyes closed as I heard footsteps going around the bed, stopping in front of me. I could feel Pan's eyes on me but couldn't tell what his facial expression was, anger, curiosity, hate, love. He gently brushed a strand of hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear, and then I felt a gust of wind. When I opened my eyes he was gone.

"What is wrong with this picture?" I mutter to myself. "Was what I said earlier actually true?"

I smack my head, trying to physically remove those thoughts from my brain. I couldn't think about that, about myself, him, I needed to think of the family on this island that needed to get off. I needed to help them escape from Pan's wrath, no matter what.

Standing up I thought up a soft blanket and wrapped it around myself, suddenly feeling very cold. I went over to the desk, checking my surroundings before continuing with my mission. I looked through the drawers and papers, none of it was readable, all of the writing being in some sort of different language. I huffed and stood back, a small object under the desk catching my eye.

I knelt down and picked it up. It was a ring, with a word engraved on the inside. Believe, is what it said. That one word, written almost small enough that I wasn't able to read it. What did it mean? What was it's purpose? Too many questions crowded my head, blocking off most of my senses.

A hand snatched the ring from mine and roughly turned me around. Pan bunches his hand up in the blanket that was wrapped around me, shoving me so my back was against a wall. He looked angry, and sad. That ring must mean something to him, something that he doesn't want to talk about.

"What does it mean?" I decided to ask.


"Believe. Why believe?"

He glares at me, snarling a little, but then he sighs, his head hanging low. I try to comfort him, thinking it was the humanly thing to do. I put a hand on his cheek, making him look up at me, his eyes now showing no anger.

"Who gave it to you?"

He picks me up, silently placing me on the bed, getting in beside me. I faced him, watching as he thought over what to say to me.

"Why do I want to tell you?" He asks. "Normally I'd easily ignore you for asking a question, punish you even, why not now?"

"Because you've changed" I answer. "Tell me, who gave it to you?"

"I don't remember their name it was so long ago, but... it was someone like you"

"Like me?"

"Someone nice, caring, gentle"

"Why did they give it to you? What does 'Believe' mean?"

"She said it'd help turn me back into the boy I used to be, the one who brought joy not suffering. Believe, she was telling me to believe that I could be who I was again, when I found the right reason to"

He stares into my eyes for a second, entranced, then he glares at me. He gets on top of me, pinning me to the bed and leaning his face closer to mine. His relaxed and gentle look was gone, nowhere in sight.

"You think you're winning, that you're going to convince me to stop with my plans"

"No, I'm-"

"It won't work" he smirks. "I've already won"

He gets off of me, going back to his side of the bed. As he lays down I grab onto his arm, making him turn to look at me once more.

"Pan, if this is a game I'm not trying to win, I'm simply trying not to cheat"

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