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I sat on a bench in the park, reading through the book written by my mom. So far it was only some things about the Enchanted Forest and her time there.

Henry came and sat beside me on the bench, looking over my shoulder at the book. I slammed it shut, looking at him cautiously from the corner of my eyes. He couldn't see because I had my hood up, covering my face.

"Aren't you supposed to be with one of your mother's?" I ask.

"I wanted to thank you, for saving me from Pan"

I remove my hood and turn to face him directly. "You don't need to thank me Henry"

"I do. You helped us stop Pan and you saved me"

I stand up, facing him still. "I appreciate you wanting to thank me but there's absolutely no need. I got what I needed, you're still alive, we're all happy. Now we can go our separate ways and live happily"

He stands up and hugs me again. I sigh. "Come visit us, okay?" He asks.

"Alright, fine. Now get back to your family"

He left and I sat back on the bench. I saw something gold on the green grass and picked it up, seeing it was the mysterious ring I found under Pan's desk.

"Something's definitely up. Maybe the game isn't over after all" I mumble.

I felt something hit me over the head then I was out like a light. When I woke up I was on the ground, a throbbing in my head. I had been tied up and was somewhere in the forest, Henry and Felix standing next to a well.

"Are we missing something?" Felix asked.

"Yes" Henry said.

"What is it?"

"The heart of the thing I love most" Henry answered.

"The heart of your son? Rumplestilskin?"

"No, I never loved him"

I could hear him walk over to me as I pretended to still be unconscious. He knelt in front of me but kept quiet.

"I know you're awake" he said.

I opened my eyes and glared at him. "I was right, something is up"

"Thanks for the ring" he said, showing me the ring he took back from me. "I thought I lost it forever"

"What are you doing?"

"Casting another curse. Storybrooke is going to be the new neverland"

He stood up and walked over to Felix. Felix dropped to the ground and I saw Pan as Henry holding his heart, crumpling it up into sand which fell down the well. A green smoke came up out of the well and he was smirking.

"Looks like I won" he said.

"You said you needed the heart of the thing you love most-"

"Your heart doesn't count" he said, cutting me off. "It's filled with too much magic, I wouldn't be able to control the curse then"

He walked away and left me there. I burnt the ropes off when he was out of sight and ran, trying to find a way out of the forest. I went directly to Gold's shop, hoping the others would be there, but it was only Gold and Pan.

"Seraphina, where were you?" Gold asks.

"I was a bit busy. Someone kidnaped me" I say, glancing at Pan.

"Hello Love, I'm back" Pan said, making me scoff.

"So everything's back to normal?" I ask Gold.

"There's still the curse to worry about but Henry is back in his own body"

"Good. But what about him?" I ask, motioning to Pan with my head.

"I took his magic away. And now, I'm going to kill him" he said, picking up a nearby sword.

"One last lesson son" Pan said to Gold. "Never make a cage you can't get out of"

Pan ripped a cuff off of his arm. I guessed that's what kept his magic away. Gold looked shocked, he took some steps back.

"I made this cuff you know, doesn't work on me, but on you" the cuff disappears from Pan's hand and reappears around Gold's wrist.

Pan stood up and sent Gold flying back into a shelf. He grabbed my wrist and when he let go a cuff just like the one Gold was wearing was around my wrist. He smirked at me and threw me back, making me land on the bed he was sitting on before.

"Let's see how you do without magic" Pan said, going towards where Gold was thrown.

"I've come too far for this. For them"

"For your son?" Pan asks. "No, it's too late. Soon, that fine green smoke will fill their lungs then fog their brains. And unlike the rest of this town I'm not just going to take their memories, no. Because of their special meaning to you, I'm going to take their lives, and you won't do a thing to stop me"

While Pan slowly got closer to Gold I snuck off the bed and grabbed the sword Gold dropped. I aimed it at Pan's back and tried to shove it through his body, but Pan barely even lifted a finger. I dropped the sword and fell to my knees, holding my hands to my neck as I struggled to breathe.

Pan turned away from Gold for a second and knelt down in front of me. He pushed his lips against mine and for a moment I could breathe again, that was until he pulled away.

"Goodbye Seraphina" I heard Pan whisper before I passed out from the lack of oxygen.

When I opened my eyes I was in my bed in my house in the Enchanted Forest. I could hear my mom out in the kitchen making some breakfast for the both of us. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

"Mom, do you remember a place called Storybrooke?" I ask.


"Because, I don't know. I had a dream, it felt like a memory, and I was in this place called Storybrooke. For some part of it anyway, I was also in Neverland"

"You've never been to Neverland, I would never allow it, and Storybrooke doesn't exist to my knowledge. Maybe it was just a vivid dream"

"Maybe" I say.

"Or maybe the curse in the dream erased my memory of everything that's happened. Maybe I did love a lost boy but never got the chance to tell him because I forgot"


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