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The moon was up, peeking through the trees. I woke up on a log, my cloak wrapped tightly around myself.

"Felix, make sure the boy and Seraphina don't go wandering off" Pan tells the boy who first attacked me.

Felix nods and Pan walks off into the forest. I walk over to Henry who was drawing gloomily in the sand with a stick. I sit next to him and place a comforting hand on his shoulder. He turns to me and I give him a small smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier, but Rumplestilskin and a man named Neal are on the island"

"They are?" He asks excitedly, perking up.

"Shh. Yes. Stay quiet about it, but don't lose hope. You are not lost, you are not a lost boy" I whisper. "Now, if you wouldn't mind, I need to get away without Felix noticing"

I stand up and look at where Felix had been. He was talking to some boys, not looking in my direction. I take this as my chance and quietly and quickly head into the forest. Once I make it a fair distance and am sure Felix wouldn't be chasing after me I start sprinting.

I half thought Pan was going to pop up in front of me any second now but then I remember what happened when I first arrived. He said he knew of everything on the island, but that I was a surprise to him. So, hopefully my theory was right, and he couldn't track me.

I slow down when I start to hear bickering. The voices sounded familiar but I couldn't think of any name or face. I peek through some trees, hiding myself, and find Regina and Emma. I step out of the trees, dodging a fireball that had been thrown my way by Regina.

"Whoa!" I exclaim, startled. "Watch it, I ain't Pan or a lost boy"

"You're still alive?" Regina asks me.

I cross my arms. "Why wouldn't I be?" She opens her mouth to answer but I stop her. "I know, Pan probably would've killed me by now or locked me up in a cage. But he didn't"

"Why?" Emma asks.

"Because he needs me, just like he needs Henry"

"Why?" Emma repeats.

"He mentioned something about the magic inside me. He needs my magic to increase the power of the magic on the island... after he saves magic of course"

"Is Henry still ok?"

"He's fine, although I worry"

"Why? What's wrong?" Regina asks hurriedly before Emma had the chance to.

I look away from them, thinking of the right words to use to not make it sound as bad as it was. "He's... becoming more and more each day like a lost boy"

"We should get back to the others" Emma suggests.

I follow them to a small camp where David, Mary Margaret and a man with a hook - who I guessed was Captain Hook - stood talking with each other.

"What's going on?" Emma asks them.

The three make up terrible lies, each of them being something different. That's when Mary Margaret tells the truth, saying Neal was still alive.

"How are you so sure?" Emma asks.

"He is, I saw him with Rumplestilskin, but Pan has him now" I say.

"I'm not here to save him, I'm here to save my son" Regina states firmly.

I sigh. "Regina, he's fine... for now. Pan needs him but Neal, he may not last any longer"

She glares at me but I roll my eyes. "Fine, do whatever it is comes first to you. But be cautious, Pan will risk anything to stop you"

I turn on my heel, wanting to walk away, but Hook stops me. "What do you plan on doing?"

"I plan on helping all of you in stopping Pan"

"Who are you? Who is she?"

"I'm Seraphina, and trust me, I'm on your side"

I walk away, ducking under branches, stepping over tree roots. I knew I was going to be in trouble, Pan would eventually find out I was gone and come looking for me, so I started practicing with my magic. I thought of everything I had been put through and create a giant fireball. It started growing as I thought about Pan, which wasn't shocking because he did practically kidnap me and that made me angry.

But not all magic is controlled by anger. That's what I've been taught, anger controlled magic. But not very one is the same, in some cases it's controlled by grief, or happiness, or love. I wasn't sure which one it was that controlled my magic, and I wasn't sure I would ever know.

I throw the fireball and it hits a small bush. The bush burns up and shrivels, turning to ash. I smile to myself proudly and walk through the dark forest with a fireball to guide my way.

"It seems you've found out how to use your magic. What was it that pushed you?" A voice asks behind me.

I turn, throwing a fireball at him, but he vanishes. My hands turn into fists, my nails diving into the palm of my hand. A hand turns my body so I was facing the other way and some invisible force throws me back. I land on the ground, groaning in pain as I sit myself up on my elbows.

"What was that for!" I shout at him.

"For fun" he says with a wide smile.

I fall back, watching the trees blow back and forth in the slight breeze. Pan's head comes into my eyesight, his eyes watching me interestingly. He extends a hand out to me and I reluctantly grab it. 

I squeal as he yanks me up. He had pulled me so I ended up chest to chest with him. His other arm encircled my waist as he smirked at how close we were. I bite my lip, feeling incredibly awkward in this position.

"What pushed you?" He asks again.

"You" I say angrily with a glare, but he didn't seem to hear the anger.

"I knew you'd end up falling for me"

"Wait what?" I ask shocked just as his lips meet mine.

Pay the Price (Pan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now