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"What do you mean not cheat?"

I stayed silent, not wanting to talk about it anymore. All that could be heard was the wind picking up, causing the tree branches to dance. It felt good to have an advantage for once, even though I had no idea what the advantage was. No, I did know, I had confused Pan, he had no idea what I was talking about. But I didn't really either.

"Seraphina, answer me"

I reluctantly met my eyes with his again. "I can't tell you"

"Why not?" He asked, clearly agitated.

"Because then I'd lose the advantage"

"What advantage?!"

"You're confused, that's what. I'm gonna get that family off this island without playing dirty, and I know exactly how I'm going to do that"


"I'm not gonna let you use me. My supposed love for you is not going to get in the way, I won't let you use it against me"

My eyes fell shut and I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up I felt a pair of eyes on me, it was who I expected. Pan was inspecting my face, checking every inch of it.

"Do you know where I could find some magic beans?" I ask in a groggy, sleep filled voice.

"I do, but getting them isn't free"

"I don't care" I say indifferently. "I may not win but I'm going to make sure you don't"

I got out of the bed and stood outside, the boys weren't up yet, still sleeping away in their tents. I climbed down the ladder, aware that Pan was watching my every move. I headed into the forest and make a sword appear in my hand.

"You do know what happens when you use magic right?" Pan asks from behind me.

I turn and slice the sword through the air, aiming for him but getting met with his weapon.

"Yeah, there's always a price to pay for magic, usually it's a bad one"

"That's the thing love, you don't need to just pay for magic. You also have to pay another price"

This took me off guard, I didn't expect there to be anything more to this conversation. He managed to remove the sword from my hand and destroy it.

"What price?"

"The price for love"

"What's that supposed to mean" I ask with a laugh.

"If you want to leave you have to give me up, if you stay you have to give your family up"

"Well that's an easy decision"

"Are you sure about that?"

"I don't love you" I tell him, making it sound as realistic as possible.

Hurt seemed to flash through his eyes, but he tried to hide it by lunging for me and placing his dagger against my neck. He was angry now, covering the pain from the words that came from my mouth. He tried to do something, it looked like he was trying to kill me, but he dropped his weapon. He turned away, taking a couple steps away from me and sits on a rock. He ran a hand through his hair, his shoulders slightly dropping, almost unnoticeably.

Wind blew through the trees as I stood in silence, it blew my hair in my face, blocking my view of Pan. His breathing was calming down, making me unable to tell how he was feeling. I shivered but ignored the cold, slowly walking backwards. When Pan was out of sight I ran, searching for anything that would help me, hopefully a magic bean.

I came out of the forest, onto the beach I had first found. I fell to my knees, hugging myself for warmth, tears streaming down my cheeks. I didn't know what I felt, I didn't know why I was crying, I didn't know how I was going to get off this island.

I didn't know if I loved Pan.


I jump at the familiar voice. Emma was standing behind me, a sword in her hand. Her eyes softened when she saw the state I was in.

"You have Henry, right?" I ask.

"Are you alright?"

I ignore her question. "Get him off the island, I'll keep Pan distracted"


"The only thing left to do is get him off the island. Has he woken up?"


"Good. Go"

"Wait, here" she took something out of her pocket and placed it in my hand.

"Where'd you get a magic bean?"

"I don't think that matters right now. Good luck"

"To you too"

She ran off and I decided I would go back to camp and think of a way to keep Pan distracted for a bit. I leaned my hand against a tree to pause and think but there was some goo under my hand. It was the stuff that man used to freeze Pan.

I closed my eyes, waiting for myself to be unable to move, but I found that I could still move. I must've been immune to it. An idea quickly formed in my head and I wiped some of the stuff on my lips. I could only think of one way where he wouldn't suspect a thing.

The forest seemed bigger when I ran back. It took longer for me to get to camp but I still found my way back. I climbed up the later to Pan's treehouse, hoping he would be there.


"What is it Seraphina?" He asked.

He was lying on his bed, his eyes closed and hands rested under his head. He looked a little mad. I took a deep breath and approached him, sitting beside him. Before he opened his eyes I cupped his cheeks and pushed my lips on his.

He was shocked with the action but looked like he was enjoying it. When I pulled away he couldn't move. My plan worked. He stared at me as I stood up.

"Game, set, match"

Pay the Price (Pan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now