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I stand frozen and wide eyed as he kisses me. When he pulls away my eyes remained wide and he seemed pleased with himself for some reason. I blink, coming to, and start pounding on his chest.

"I didn't mean that in a good way! I meant you're the reason because I hate you!" I shout.

"Are you so sure about that love?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because I don't see hatred in your eyes"

"Why do you make me question my feelings?"

"Perhaps it's because you won't allow yourself to believe that you love me" he suggests.

I scoff. "That's just stupid. I do not love you and I never will"

"We'll see. For now, let's get you back to camp"

"You can go, I need to go for a walk, by myself without anyone following or watching me"

I try to leave but he grabs my arm. "No, I will not have you wandering off again"

"Why not? Oh, is it because for once you don't have full control over someone?"

He growls and drags me back to camp. His hand slides down my arm, locking with my hand. I make a plan up in my head, knowing I didn't have much time until we made it back to camp. If I was caught after this I knew I'd be dead, but it was my only chance in getting away. I light my hand on fire and run in the opposite direction.

"You can run but you can't hide" I hear Pan laugh as I get further away.

I snicker. I close my eyes, my feet still moving, and think very hard on where I wanted to go. I was in Neverland and I had magic, I thought I'd give the teleporting or making objects appear out of nowhere a shot. I hear the sound of waves crashing against a beach and open my eyes, smiling happily. Next I try summoning a sword in my hand. Eventually, a long sword appears in my hand, the blade reflecting the sunlight of the rising sun.

I go into the nearby forest, removing my hood and hanging it in the trees as a distraction for Pan. I take the book and focus all my energy on teleporting to Henry's family. I open my eyes and Emma was staring at me shocked and confused.

I hand her the book. "Take this, don't let Pan get it, when you get back to Storybrooke keep it hidden, don't let anyone else get to it. When-if I get back I'll find you"

"Why?" She asks but I was already gone.

I walked around the forest cautiously, watching every corner for Pan or some Lost Boy. I hear a whistle and then see Pan a couple feet in front of me.

"You made the wrong choice love"

"I made the perfect decision. I will not let you take me or my magic, I will not go down without a fight"

"I thought you said you couldn't fight? And where did you get that sword?"

"It's Neverland, I can do whatever I please" I say with a smirk and he smirks back.

"Not without my approval" he says, pulling a dagger from its holster on his waist.

He jumps at me and I start dodging his attacks, shielding myself with the sword. It's back and forth, Pan getting good hits in on me, me not doing so good. However, when I do manage to slice him in the chest - his cut shirt revealing part of his toned chest - his joy turns into excitement and he starts moving even more quickly. I falter in my step and he takes advantage, spinning behind me, placing the dagger to my neck and dislodging the sword from my hand.

"Nice try" he whispers. "You really thought you could beat me?"

"No, but I thought I'd try"

He puts his dagger back in the holster and throws my body over his shoulder, his hand resting dangerously close to my butt. I punch him in the back but he only laughs.

"I can't say I hate the view" he says.

I try and kick him, squirming in his grip, growling at him, as he walks through the forest. Eventually I give up and hang there.

"You won't get away from me, you will never get off the island"

I roll my eyes. "Don't jinx yourself Pan"

"I've already won Seraphina"

I punch him in the back once more and he puts me down, backing me up against a tree. He cages me against the tree with his hands, smirking at my angry face. I try to push him away but he locks my hands against the tree.

"What the hell is wrong with you Pan?"

"Nothing, I just always win"

I glare at him, trying to get rid of the feelings that were rising up to the surface. The feelings I didn't want to feel, that could possibly destroy my life. I avoid eye contact as he leans closer, brushing my cheek gently with his fingers.

"What will you gain from this?" I ask him.

"From what?"

"From earning my love"

"Who said I wanted your love?"

"You're the one that was talking about me falling for you, why are you so sure I will?" He only gazed into my eyes silently. "Why do you want me to love you so badly?"

He pushes himself back slightly, letting go of my arms - which I drop to my sides - and leans against the tree, his hands supporting himself. He looks down at the ground, seemingly thinking about something. I watch him, his curly hair in front of my face. He wraps his arms around me, his chin resting on my shoulder. I look around at the forest over his back, slowly wrapping my arms around him.

"I've just been alone for so many years"

With what he says I feel sympathetic. Sympathy for the devil. It was realistic, seeing how the only people he had known were his followers.

At that moment though, when I gave in and hugged him, I never felt his chin move when he smiled.

Pay the Price (Pan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now