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"How do I know you're telling me the truth?"

"You don't" Pan's voice says from the doorway.

I close my eyes, calming my breathing, and stand up, turning to face him. The box Neal had given to Rumplestilskin was laying on the ground to the side.

"Because she isn't"

"Henry don't listen to him. He's the one that's been lying this whole time, he's using you" I tell Henry hastily.

"Henry, I would never lie to you" Pan says, directly behind me now.

"Your family is-"

Pan's hand covers my mouth with a cloth. He grabs my arm and easily throws me, making my body crash against the rock wall and land on the ground. I groan, trying to get up, but I found myself unable to do so. I couldn't move.

"Don't even try love" he shows me a cloth which was covered in squid ink.

As I watch Henry shove his own hand into his chest and dig out his heart, Emma, Regina and Neal run for them. I lay on the ground, helpless yet relieved. Each of them try reasoning with Henry, that Pan was only using him.

"That's not true!" Henry exclaims.

"Henry, who do you trust more? Your family or this beast" I ask.

He looks back and forth, going from his family, to Pan, to me, the heart in his hand, and again.

"Henry, you have to believe us" Regina begs.

"You have to trust us" Emma says.

"This is your choice, not theirs" Pan assures the boy.

Henry looks at his family a little longer. "We believe in you Henry" Neal says.

"Because we love you" Emma adds.

"More than anything" Regina adds.

"Trust them" I tell him.

"I love you to" Henry tells them, lightening their moods. "But I have to save magic"

Henry shoves his heart into Pan's chest, causing a green energy to burst from his body. Everybody goes flying - with the exception of me and Pan - and Henry ends up unconscious. Pan was now floating above the ground, looking at us all, smiling. Emma, Regina and Neal all rush to Henry, calling out his name worriedly. They try to wake him up.

Pan floats over to me and picks me up, flying off into the air. He brings me to a cave, telling me I needed to drink the water that was inside. I knew this was his next step, this was how he was going to tie me to the island.

"No" I tell him defiantly, still unable to move my body.

The smile on his face never left. "You don't have a choice love"

My body unfreezes and he shoves me inside. There was a little fountain made out of rock, water dripping from a certain part in the ceiling. Pan stood back, patiently waiting for me to drink the water.

"I won't do it" I tell him, looking into the fountain. It was clear but not enough for me to see my reflection.

Pan grabs onto my arm tightly, his nails digging into my skin, making me yelp. He tells me once again to drink the water. Not thinking I had much choice I cup my hands, getting some of the water in them, and drink it. After I drank it Pan grabbed a hold of me again, flying back to Skull Rock.

"What did you do to my son?" Emma asks Pan angrily as our feet touch the ground.

"I didn't do anything, it was all the boy" he replies. "He offered me his heart out of his own free will"

Emma lunges at Pan with her sword but he vanishes, appearing behind her and picking up the box.

"I don't think you have it in you to kill me... just like Rumple didn't"

"Where is he?" Neal asks.

"In the box I'm holding" Regina looked horrified at the information. "Unfortunately for you, you can't hurt me"

Emma takes a swing at him, managing to slice a bit of his arm. "How did that feel?"

"Like a tickle" he says mockingly.

Pan grabs my hand and pulls me into the sky. I watch as Henry's family crowds around him worriedly. I hope for the best, that he'd live and they'd all get to go home.

"What was that water supposed to do to me?" I ask Pan as we fly through the air. I kept my eyes on the tall trees below.

"If you drink that water, you can't leave the island"

"That's impossible"

"Not really. If you leave the island after having drunk some of that water then you will die, I'm not exactly sure how since I've never seen it happen, I just know it happens"

"So I'm stuck on the island forever?"

"You will spend the rest of eternity with me" he says cheekily.

"Not unless I die before that" I mutter.

He lands in his treehouse, my feet hitting the ground before his. I yank my arm away from him but he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling my body to his.

"I know you're a heartless boy Pan, don't even try messing with me" I tell him.

"I may be heartless but you aren't"

He pulls my face to his, kissing me. I try and resist, and end successfully. His lips were so warm, passionate, magical at the touch, but on the inside I knew he was cold, hateful. I couldn't let him fool me, if I did that'd be the end of it. He looked a little shocked when he pulled away, his eyes showing something more than hate, dare I say it, love.

"Wait, you have a heart now, it may not be yours but you have one" I say, realization spreading across my face.

He smirks. "Think what you like, but I will never love anyone"

I roll my eyes as he steps outside. "Well that's the perfect thing to say to get me to fall in love with you" I say sarcastically.

"It doesn't matter what I say, you already love me"

Pay the Price (Pan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now