Skull Rock

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Pan leads me back to camp, his hand on my lower back. Once we got to camp he lead me straight for his treehouse.

"What are you doing?" I ask, ready to throw a fireball if I needed to.

He doesn't answer, only avoids any Lost Boys who were wandering about. We get into the treehouse and something appears in Pan's hands. It was rope.

"You aren't tying me up, are you?" I ask, backing away slightly.

"I can't have you running off while I'm saving magic"

"Are you gonna... kill Henry? Is that what you need to do in order to save magic?"

"I need his heart" he answers simply. "But not to save magic, to save myself"

I stomp up to him, trying to hit him, but he pushes me onto the bed. He kneels over me as he ties each of my hands together and the other end of he rope to the bed post. He smiles, kisses me, then gets up towards the door.

"You can't leave me here forever!"

"It's only until my success is certain love" he says, turning back to me. "Then it's your turn"

"Are you going to kill me too?" I question.

"No, I just need to tie you to the island"

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"You'll figure that out later" he walks out of the treehouse, going down the ladder.

"You get back here Pan or so help me god, I will kill you myself!" I scream, thrashing my legs in the bed.

I only hear his distant laughs. I groan and lay back, hitting my head against the wall. I try using my magic, creating a flame in my hand, but nothing happens. I try making a knife appear, or teleporting out of the restraints, but again nothing happens. Inside my head I was cursing so much, but on the outside I looked annoyed and angry.

In the distance I could hear Henry calling out my name, looking for me. I try calling out to him, telling him not to go with Pan, but said person appears beside me, covering my mouth with his hand. When he removes his hand my mouth was covered by a rag I couldn't remove.

"Nice try Seraphina" he says, causing goosebumps to go up my arms. "I'll be back once I'm done with Henry"

He disappears again and I hit the bed with my hands. I get off the bed, determined to help Henry. I look around the room, for anything that would've been useful. Eventually, I find a pair of scissors and slowly but surely get the rope cut.

"Yes!" I mutter to myself in victory.

I remove the rag from my mouth and climb down the ladder. I tried teleporting when I reached the ground but it wouldn't work. So, I ran. Not knowing where I was going I ran to where my gut told me to go. Skull Rock. I had seen it before when I stood on one of the beaches. My only problem, other than not knowing the right direction to go, was how I was going to get to it. I could swim, but I don't know what's in those waters.

When I made it, I was so lucky to find the others there in a row boat. I slowed as I approached them, sand sliding around under my feet.

"Got room for one more?" I ask.

"You're still alive?" Regina asks.

"I think you'll need to be asking me that question after we save Henry from Pan"

We all get into the row boat and Neal starts rowing us towards Skull Rock. We dock and step out into the shore, footprints were visible in the sand. Emma pointed out that they were Henry's. She tries to continue up the stone stairs but something - most likely a force field - sends her flying backwards, doing a backflip in the process. Neal helps her up and I walk towards where the force field was and stick my hand out. Nothing stops it from passing through and I step up a couple steps more.

Regina then tries to walk up but is stopped. She gets angry and throws a fireball at it, but it only rebounds, almost hitting them. They all look at me and I watch as Rumplestilskin steps through as well.

"Pan's magic is too powerful, at least for you" he tells the others.

"How come she can get through?" Regina asks.

I shrug. "I'm not sure, but I think it's best not to waste time figuring that out" Rumplestilskin answers.

"But how did you get through in the first place?" Emma asks.

"The spell is meant to keep anyone who casts a shadow from entering"

"Then how come I can get in? I have a shadow!" I exclaim in confusion.

"Like I said before dearie, I'm not sure"

Neal hands Rumplestilskin a box, saying a few things I didn't really hear, and we head up. My magic had returned and I could now throw fireballs, not that it'd be any useful against Pan.

The inside of the cave had carvings all over the walls, the room dimly lit by candle light. Pan walks into the room, noticing me and Rumplestilskin.

"Hello love" he says to me then turns to the man standing beside me. "Hello laddy, come bearing gifts?" He asks, looking at the box in his hands.

"Where's Henry?" I ask.

He only smirks. Rumplestilskin repeats my question and Pan answers it with a very strange and shocking answer. "You mean my great grandson?"

I raise my eyebrows at him. "What?"

"Go find Henry, I'll deal with him" Rumplestilskin tells me.

I nod and cautiously walk past Pan then run when I'm a fair distance away. I knew he wouldn't just come and attack me when Rumplestilskin was standing just in front of him. I found Henry sitting down on a rock and race over to him, kneeling in front of him. He was looking up at some sort of mechanism with an hourglass

"Henry, your family is here to save you"

"Why?" He asks, turning to me.

My eyebrows scrunch together. "Because they're your family"

"But I'm going to save magic" he exclaims happily with a smile.

"No, you aren't going to save magic. You'll be saving Pan"

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