Game Over

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"You cheated"

"I don't care about that anymore. This game you play is a game I don't want to be involved with anymore"

I ran as fast as I could after I froze Pan, hoping to get away before he came after me. But I hesitated. This gave him the chance to come after me.

"Don't you dare try to stop me Pan, you know how this is going to go"

"I know I'm going to win, in order to do that I need to stop you"

"You'll never win if I'm involved" I say, starting to walk towards where the water met the sand.

"You'll have to pay the price, you know that"

"I'll pay whatever I have to"

"Seraphina" he says calmly.

Whenever he said my name it sent shivers down my spine. He said it so... charmingly yet deviously. I snap my head around to glare at him, not mad at him but mad at myself for letting him have any affect on me.

"I'm leaving this island, I'm going to return to my mother, I'll be happy to never have to see you again"

"Are you so sure about that love?"

I storm straight for the green portal that I had opened, standing near the edge when I reach it. My hair and clothes blew as the portal whirled around.

"I made my mind up long ago" I say, not looking away from the portal.

"But I thought I changed your mind" he says, now standing directly beside me.

I don't take my eyes off of the portal, not even when it started to shrink. I take one last glance at Pan, catching his unusually worried and scared eyes. He hastily pushes his lips against mine, trying to convince me to stay, but as I had said earlier...

"Please stay" he pleads.

"You think a simple action like that is gonna make me stay" I say, getting ready to step into the portal. "It won't"


"Game over"

I jumped through the portal but before it completely closed I could see Pan above, smirking down at the portal. The game wasn't over yet, I knew it wasn't, I almost didn't want it to be over, but I had enough of it for now.

I came out of the portal just outside of the town, standing in front of the line that bordered the real world and Storybrooke. My feet took me towards town quickly, I wanted to see if the others made it back.

I got to the dock where a bunch of people had crowded around. A pirate ship, more specifically the one belonging to Hook, was docked there. I squeezed through the crowd towards the family who was hugging anyone in the crowd they knew.

"Seraphina!" Henry exclaimed, running up to me and pulling me into a hug.

"Whoa, wasn't expecting that" I say, wrapping my arms around the boy.

"You made it back" Emma said, approaching us. Henry let go and stood beside me, watching his moms come up to us.

"You're still alive" Regina said with a smile. She looked genuinely happy to see that I hadn't been killed.

"That I am" I respond with an also sincere smile.

"Oh, I still have your book" Emma says, going back onto the ship to get it for me. When she returned she handed it to me, it was in the same condition as when I left it with her.

"Thank you Emma, I owe you"

"No you don't. You kept Henry safe when we couldn't, that's enough"

"Are you leaving now?" Henry asks.

"I think I may stay one more day, if Snow will allow me to stay with her for one night, but then I'm heading out to look for my mom. If I'm thinking right then there should be a spell in this book that will lead me to her"

"I'm sure she'll let you stay" Emma says.

Snow and David came over to us. "Snow, would I be able to stay with you for a night?" I ask.

"You can stay as long as you like"

I laugh. "Thanks but only one night is needed"

Soon the crowd left and it was only the family talking amongst each other on the dock. I saw Henry standing next to one of the lost boys further away from the group talking. I walked up to them, my arms crossed.

"Seraphina, I forgot to tell you, we found your cloak in the forest and brought it with us. It's on the ship" Henry told me before I could a word out.

"Thanks" I say, narrowing my eyes. It looked like he was trying to avoid talking with me.

I found my cloak and put it back on, feeling more comfortable with the weight of the cloth. Without the cloak I felt too light, like a balloon filled with helium, and the cloak was the string holding me down. I went back to the dock where they were still chatting.

"Hey Mom, Dad, what about Felix? He's still free" Henry called out.

David brought Felix to the prison while we went to Gold's shop where he hid the box in the floor and cast a spell so he could be the only one to get it.

"Once I seal the box in here no one can break the spell but me" Gold said.

"And you're not gonna do that?" Henry asked.

He didn't sound worried, like he was scared Pan would be set free and chase after him again. It sounded more like he wanted confirmation that the box wouldn't be touched.

"Believe me, I want Pan trapped just as much as you"

"Don't worry Henry" Emma said.

"He's not getting out" Neal added.

"We won't let anything happen to you again" Regina says. "I promise"

"She's right, you needn't worry" Gold said. "As long as I'm alive, that boy will never see the light of day"

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