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"Now that you have the book how do you plan on getting back?"

"I didn't think that far ahead, it was sort of a spur of the moment thing. I jumped in a portal when I found the opportunity" I stand up quickly, remembering the boy I had to save. "Someone was brought here and I need to help him"

"If he's with Pan then there isn't much probability that he can be saved"

"I promised I'd get him back to his family. I don't care who this Pan is, he isn't going to break that family up"

I slide down the vine, letting my feet gently touch the ground before breaking into a run.

"Thanks Tinker Bell!" I shout before running around trees.

I slow down when my legs start to grow tired after all the running. My breathing was quick and I was starting to get light headed. I stop and sit down, leaning my back against a tree. My hood covered my face as I leant my head back, closing my eyes.

"Look who we have here, a lovely lady named Seraphina" a boy's british voice says, echoing around the forest.

My eyes snap open at the voice and I look around the forest in front of me, not wanting to make any sudden moves. I hold my breath, hoping the one who owned the voice would leave.

"I know you're there love" the voice says again, this time more closely than the last.

"What do you want?" I demand in a strong, unwavering voice.

"I want to know why you're on my island"

"I came to get something that belongs to me, and I came to help Henry"

"How are you doing with that so far?" They ask mockingly.

"I finished one of my tasks"

A boy walks out of the forest in front of me, no longer blending in amongst the trees. It was the boy Henry was flying with. He had light brown hair and green eyes, wearing dark green clothes. My eyes widen somewhat at the striking boy, but I hold my ground.

"No hello?" He asks, pretending to sound hurt.

He saunters over, not in any rush to get any closer to me. When he was about 3 feet away he knelt down, resting his elbows on his knees and raising an eyebrow at me.

"I know a name but I don't know the face, care to remove the hood?"

"I do care so I'm going to keep it on" I tell him, ignoring the thought that came into my mind about him being able to kill me.

He stands up, closes the remaining distance between us, and kneels once again. He was right in front of me, still unable to see my face thanks to the hood and poor lighting. One of his hands shoots out towards my hood, pulling it away from my face. His eyes scan the two markings that were on my face, the pink swirl on the left side of my forehead and the other one on my right cheek. Then his eyes land on mine, looking completely serious.

"I've never seen eyes so blue, beautiful"

"Shut up" I snap, making him smirk.

"Nobody tells me what to do" he says, picking at some of my red locks of hair.

I smack his hand away and stand up with full intent on walking away but he ends up in front of me before I can get anywhere. The smirk on his face seemed to grow.

"Why don't I make things easier for you? I'll take you to the boy" he offers, extending a hand towards me.

I stare at his hand, then into his eyes to see if I could figure out his motives and finally back at the hand.

"How do you know my name?" I ask, ignoring his outstretched hand.

"How are you on my island without my knowing so?" He asks, putting his hand back at his side.

"What do you mean?"

"I know everything that happens on this island, especially the people on it, but not you. Why didn't I know about you?" He asks, more to himself than me.

"How do you think I'd know? I've only ever heard about Neverland from my mother-"

"And why do you feel magical" he interrupts me.

I stare at him for a second. "Excuse me?"

"You have a strong magical aura surrounding you, why's that?"

My eyebrows scrunch together. I understood what he was saying but all the question made me think was that he didn't know as much as he said he did. Or it was just me, I was a mystery to him.

"My mother's a witch" I answer, not wanting to make him angry but not wanting to give him a full answer.

"The Witch of the East, the owner of that book Tinker Bell gave you"

"How do you know about that?"

"I told you, I know about everything that goes on in Neverland"

"Apparently not everything" I mutter.

He extends his hand out to me once more, looking more insistent this time. "I suggest you take my hand, unless you want to suffer the consequences" he says with a devilish smile on his face.

I go against what my instinct told me and grab his hand. It was warm but freezing cold, rough yet gentle. It was the hand that belonged to a demon who was still a human.

Pay the Price (Pan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now