The guilt

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My conscience won't let me live. All I could think about is this guilty feeling.
The pressure to not blow up everything that had been build.
It's hard to think back of all those things we did and not having any feelings towards it.
Not even worry about what will come next. The feeling of not wanting to lose it all but at the same moment say fuck it all.
I might be lying if I say it doesn't bother me to have these thoughts.
But guess what, we can't neglect any feeling that at countless moments have you spinning and wondering what world brought to you.
At countless moments when there was nothing to hide.
Nothing to explain because it doesn't matter everything was already shown.
Now the guilt have me feeling the opposite of all time.
But, what is guilt if anything you do you choose to not regret?
But the guilty feeling will always haunt you no matter what you think of the situation.
Many moments neglected for nothing
Feeling guilty about your guilty pleasure is insane.
So life made it hard for you. We can't be living the moment without thinking of what others goes through.
We can't be living the moment while others wishes you could be there with them instead.
I guess we can't escape what this feeling brings to you.
We can't never be full of emotions and not remember what this feeling brings back to your mind. What can't be hidden.
A solid feeling as it is. Involving yourself into something unbearable to handle.
Guilt is guilty of the feelings.
We won't be able to let it loose.


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