Now or Never - Part 2

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It had been over a week since you first met Harry and gave him your number. You two had been texting and talking on the phone since that day, but you haven't actually seen each other in person. You still weren't sure how being friends with Harry would look at work, at least until after your article write-up on him was published.

It would be going online and getting printed in the magazine at the end of the week. You were in your office, working on a new article, when Madison, the girl who was supposed to interview Harry, walked into your office.

"Hey, Madison," you said. "How are you feeling?"

"Better, at least until I read your interview with Harry," she said with a sour look on her face.

"Why? Is there something wrong with my interview?" you asked turning around in your chair to look at her better.

"You didn't use any of my questions! That was supposed to be my interview and you should have used only my questions," she said with clenched fists.

"You're seriously upset with me over not using your questions? I looked over them and had every intention of using them, but Madison I wasn't going to ask him if he's single or what he looks for in a girl or if he would get back with an ex and shit like that. I was there to ask him about his album and single, which is what I did," you said.

She rolled her eyes at you. "No, one cares about that shit, Y/N. We're a celebrity gossip magazine, our readers want to know if music's biggest heartthrob is single and if they might ever be his type."

"Wow," you laugh shaking your head. "You can't be serious. Our readers don't care just about that, I think you're the one who does. Be honest with yourself Madison, you didn't want that interview for the magazine or to promote his new single, you wanted that interview, so you could try and get him to ask you out. And now, you're bitter because you not only didn't get to do the interview, but you don't know the answers to your stupid ass questions."

She gasped, glaring at you with a stomp of her foot. "In case you forgot, I've been here longer than you, so I know how things work around here."

"Well, we'll just see about that, once my interview with Harry is published. We'll see what the readers actually think," you said picking up your bag.

"Where do you think you're going?" She said blocking you.

"I'm going to lunch, not that it's any of your business," you said pushing her out of the way.


Harry was meeting up with his sister and his mom for lunch at a local cafe. He hadn't told either of them about how he was talking with you. He had to admit that he was feeling a connection with you, something that he hadn't found with anyone in a while.

It wasn't sure where this newfound friendship would go, especially since you two have only known one another for a week and he wasn't sure how you even felt.

Plus, there was the issue with your job to think about as well.

The three of them were seated at a table and while his Mom and sister were looking at the menu, Harry was looking at his phone to see if he had any missed calls or texts from you.

"Expecting a phone call?" Anne asked him looking over her menu.

Harry quickly put his phone on the table and shook his head. "Oh, uh, no."

The waitress comes over and takes their orders. Anne then looks over at Harry.

"So, what's been going on your life since we last spoke?" She smiles.

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