And Just Like That It Was Over... Part 5

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Who is Harry Styles Trying to Kid? by Y/N

As most of you already know, Harry Styles from One Direction came out with his first solo single and performed it for the first time in America on Saturday Night Live. I was lucky enough to interview him and hear the single a few weeks ago.

Here is my opinion on both Harry Styles and his music.

While the interview went okay, Harry was very rude and couldn't wait to get out of there. Going solo as turned him into a bit of a dick of a pop star.

And his new single isn't anything special and outside of his vocal range, as shown on during his SNL performance when Styles couldn't hold a note to save his life.

The fact of the matter is Harry Styles the solo artist will not see the amount of success as Harry Styles from One Direction.


You had just gotten out of the shower to get ready for work. You were picking out your outfit for the day when you got a phone call. You smiled when you saw Harry's name flash across the screen of your phone. Your article came out that day, so you were wondering if he had read it yet.

"Morning, Harry," you smiled.

"What the fuck Y/N?" He shouted from the other side of the phone.

"Woah, what's up with you?" You asked confused.

"Me? What about you? I can't believe I trusted you," he said. "You played me and I let you. So, our time together was just a game to you, right? Now, you're going to put all the shit we've done and talked about in another article right? I can't believe I fell for that bullshit about how you were worried about your job."

"Okay, I have no fucking idea what you're talking about? And what other articles? The only article that I've written about you is the one that came out today," you said.

"Exactly. Did you think I wouldn't read it?" He asked. "That I wouldn't what you really think about me or my music?"

"Everything I said in that article is the same thing I've told you," you said confused.

"Yeah, don't exactly remember you saying there wasn't anything special about my single or that the notes were out of my vocal range. Or that I was fucking dick either," he said.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, I don't think that and I never said those things in my article. Are you sure this is my article?" You said.

"It's in the magazine that you work for and it has your name in the fucking byline Y/N," he said. "My Mum and sister were right, I should never have considered seeing you because you were just going to use me and you did. But not anymore. We're done."

The other line went dead and you just stared at the phone with furrowed eyebrows. You quickly went to the website of your magazine and saw the publication. You clicked on it and searched for your article, but as soon as you started reading it, it was not your article.

You threw your phone down and quickly got dressed. You knew this was Madison's doing and her way of getting back at you.

When you got to your office, everyone was staring at you as you angrily walked towards Madison's office.

"What the hell is your problem Madison?" You asked pushing her office door opened.

"I take it you read the article?" She smirked.

Secret Love Song - Harry Styles SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now