All That Mattered - Part 37

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Once you left the fish and chip shop, you headed towards your favorite place near the water to sit, however, you weren't expecting your phone to ring or for it to be Harry.

And you were in shock when your eyes met his as he sat there staring back at you with his phone against his ear as yours continued to ring.

"Y/N..." Harry whispered.

He wanted to run up to you and take you into his arms. He wanted to kiss you with such passion that you two would never forget how much you two love one another, but he stayed put.

Because you weren't his girlfriend anymore.

You wished you could wrap your arms around Harry and tell him you were sorry and that you didn't mean it and you never want to be apart from him. But you just stood there, not sure of what to do because you knew that you broke his heart.

"Hi, Harry," you whispered back.

Harry scratched his head and looked down biting his lip. "Do you... do you want to come sit... with uh... with me?"

"Are you sure?" You asked.

He nodded. "Unless you don't want to..."

"No, I uh... I do," you nodded walking over and take the seat across from him.

You both sat there for a bit as you nibbled on your food before looking up at each.

"I'm sorry," you both said at the same time, however, you were confused because Harry had nothing to be sorry for.

"Why are you sorry?" You asked. "You didn't do anything."

Harry sighed. "I must have, though," he said. "I mean you broke up with me because you felt like I wasn't telling you the truth or something and that I'd leave you because you might not be able to have kids. And I obviously didn't show you I loved you enough or something..." he whispered.

You shook your head as you pushed the majority of your food away from you, no longer having an appetite.

"That's not true," you sighed. "I know I said this breakup was for you, but I've realized I was being selfish. Yes, I was looking out for you because I wanted you to always be happy, but I was also looking out for myself because I don't want to get heartbroken down the line..."

"So, you broke us up now?" He shook his head. "I just I don't understand it, Y/N."

"I know... I just thought it was for the best," you sighed.

"But how? How is us not being together for the fucking best?" Harry asked. "I don't know about you, but I've been fucking miserable. I've not been all rainbows and fucking sunshine. You are the love of my fucking life, Y/N. I don't want anyone else, but you and far as I'm concerned, yes one day I want children, but only with you. You can let me go all you want, but I'm not moving on... not anytime soon, so please tell me how this is for the mother fucking best."

"I'm... I'm sorry," you cried. "I'm really fucking sorry and I just... I don't fucking know where to go from this because you don't deserve me someone who has broken your heart."

"There you fucking go again, Y/N," he snapped. "You keep telling me what I want and what I deserve, but you never fucking ask me what I want and what I think I deserve. Most of these last years, I've had someone tell me what to do and when to do, who to fucking date and be seen with, what I can and can't fucking wear, but not anymore. I'm done with that shit. I choose almost everything in my career now and I'm going to choose what I do in my personal life and I want you. I fucking need you in my life Y/N because you're it for me. I don't need you pulling away from me because you think you know what's best for me. Because if you're going to keep doing that, then yeah, I don't deserve that."

"So... What does this mean for us?" You whispered.

"According to you, there is no us," Harry said.

You sighed looking away and you tried keeping the tears in, but you couldn't do any longer. You lost the hold on your tears as they fell down your cheeks. You quickly wiped them away, but more fell down. Harry got up from his chair and you thought he was going to leave and walk away, but he came over and wrapped his arms around you.

You buried your face in his chest as he held you to him.

"I love you..." you cried. "I'm sorry for everything... I don't want this... I don't want us to not be together. I understand if you don't want me or forgive me for what I did but-"

Harry pressed his lips against yours, interrupting you, but his kiss gave you all the answers you needed.

He forgave you.

He loved you.

And you loved him.

Which was all that mattered. 


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