And Just Like That, Everything Was Good Again - Part 38

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The next few months since your breakup and makeup with Harry had been really good. You two were working your way through the reasoning behind the initial breakup and focusing on the two of you. Jess had a beautiful baby girl a few weeks ago and you were there to witness it all. The reality of childbirth was disgusting and gross, but knowing it brought into the world was amazing.

Being there for the birth and holding the baby in arms, made you a little emotional given your own situation, but both you and Harry had agreed on not worrying about babies and having babies until you two were ready to be parents, which was not anytime soon.

When it came to your "career", your blog had really taken off once you went back to posting more and providing more content. Since Harry wasn't touring currently, he helped you with taking photos for your blog and other social media accounts. Even Gemma, who initially was upset with you over the breakup, helped out as well. Pretty soon you two would actually be going on a little holiday with other bloggers and Social Media personalities as a way to promote their products.

However, before that, it would be your and Harry's first year anniversary.

One Year.

You and Harry together.

So much had happened it was hard to believe you two had only been together for one year.

You weren't sure what you two would be doing to celebrate, but you did know Harry was most likely coming up with something. You were currently in your flat with your laptop on your lap checking emails and writing them. You heard a key jingle in the lock and Harry walked through.

He had just come from the gym and was covered in sweat. Normally, you'd be super turned on, but the fact that he smelled like a dirty, old sweat sock turned it off. Over the last couple of months, you and Harry practically were living in the other's places. Most of the time you were in your flat, but then whenever Harry needed some new clothes or something at his house, you two would end up staying there.

"Hey, baby," he smiled shutting the door and walking over to you.

He pressed his lips against your forehead and handed out a smoothie. "I got you one too," he smiled.

"Aww, thanks," you smiled taking it from him. "But I know the only reason you did was so I wouldn't drink all of yours."

He laughed shaking his head. "I'm going to go jump in the shower, we have any plans tonight?"

"Other than staying in? I don't think so, why?" You asked.

"Just wanted to make sure," he shrugged before going into the bathroom.


While Harry was in the shower, you finished up your work before closing the screen and setting the computer on the coffee table. You sipped your smoothie while you cleaned up the kitchen and put the dishes away from the dishwasher. Soon Harry walked out of the bedroom in practically nothing, but his robe.

"So, that's why you asked about plans," you rolled your eyes.

He laughed, "How was work?"

"Great, I got a few posts typed up. I just have to go back and edit and add photos," you said. "How was the gym?"

"I can't move without something being sore, so productive," he laughed.

"Hm, maybe I'll give you a massage later on if you're nice," you smirked.

"Hey! I bought you a smoothie..." he said.

"Your point?" you smirked.

"My point is that my muscles are really, really sore, and my beautiful, sexy girlfriend's hands are like magic and would really help me out," he smirked pulling you towards him.

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