Only You - Part 4

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You had just finalized your article on Harry and since you finished it the morning after SNL, you made sure to add in a little bit about that. You sent the final piece with all the editor's suggestions back for it to be printed first thing Monday morning.

You were headed over to your parent's house for a bit of Easter dinner, so you had to get into the shower and get ready. Once you were ready, you grabbed your bag and keys before heading to your car.

You put the key into the ignition and turned the key, but your car wouldn't start. You groaned trying it again and again and still nothing.

"Shit," you mumbled.

Your car wasn't exactly new, but it wasn't ancient either. You got paid fairly well working at the magazine, but when you had to pay rent, gas, food, and other bills, it didn't leave a whole of money to really get yourself a more reliable car. You sighed looking at your phone and knew that you would be late, especially if you walked to take the tube.

There was one person, who you knew that you could call, that lived nearby and was more than likely going to the same place that you were. The boy who lived next door to your parents. You two grew up together and were really close, but then as teenagers, you two decided to take the next step. You dated all through your teenage years and even a little into your twenties, but it just didn't feel right anymore.

You didn't want to just settle with someone because you were comfortable. Sure, you loved and cared about him, but there wasn't a spark. You felt weird about reaching out to him because you hadn't really spoken since the breakup.

But you womaned up and called him.

"Hello?" He answered.

"H-Hi Finn, um it's Y/N," you said.

"Y/N? Oh, wow, hey," he said with surprise in his voice.

"I hate to do this, but I was wondering if you were going back home for the holiday today? My car won't start and I'm supposed to be at my parent's house by 1 and I was just thinking since you lived nearby...maybe I could catch a ride?" You asked.

"Yeah, of course, I can give you a ride," he said. "I actually just left my flat, so I'll be there to pick you up in a bit."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You smiled. "I owe you big time!"

"Don't worry about it. I'll see you about five minutes," he said.

You ended the call and grabbed everything you needed out of your car. It didn't take long before you say Finn's car pull up. He waved and you smiled to him. You walked over to the car and opened the door.

"Long time no see," he smiled.

"Yeah," you said getting in and shutting the door. "Thank you again for this."

"No problem. I'm always going to help a friend out," he said.

You nodded.

"You look really good by the way," he smiled.

"Oh, thanks. You don't look so bad yourself," you smiled.

"I try," he laughed.

You giggled. "So, how have you been?"

"I've been doing well. My job is still going great, what about you?" He asked.

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