Just What You Need Part 43

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As soon as Harry parked the car, the woman your father was with emerged from her car.

"Want me to get rid of her?" Harry sighed.

"No, I can do it," you mumbled getting out of the car.

Harry nodded and got out with you.

"What are you doing here?" You asked. "How do you even know where I live?"

"It's not exactly a secret," she rolled her eyes. "And I'm here because you need to stop treating your father like shit. He's heartbroken over your falling out."

You rolled your eyes. "It's not like this is over him eating the last fucking cupcake," you said. "He cheated on my mother... with you... and lied to me my entire life."

"You act like this was all on him," she said. "Your mother was also in on it. She knew what she was doing, she knew their marriage was over. She could have walked away, but she didn't. Her and your father were unhappy all those years because of you. You're such a little selfish brat. Once again your father is unhappy because of you."

"You don't even fucking know me!" You shouted. "How dare you act like you know what my parents went through or what they did?"

"I do because your father tells me everything," she said.

"Oh, and let me guess you just believe every fucking word that comes out of his mouth right?" You rolled your eyes.

"Your father as never lied to me," she said. "Which is more than I can say for you," she smirked.

You glared at her and Harry quickly grabbed your arm. "We need to just go inside, ignore her," he whispered.

"Just admit the real reason you're upset over this is that for once in your life you're not Daddy's Little Girl anymore and you're a selfish little bitch who wants all the attention," she said.

Angry tears filled your eyes, but you didn't dare let them spill over. You weren't going to show her that she was affecting you like this. You weren't going to let her assume that your tears were anything, but angry building up inside of you.

"You better get the fuck off my property. If I ever see you around here again, I will call the police and they will arrest you," you said.

She scoffed, "Pretty bold of you to say when we both know this isn't your property. Please tell me Y/N, how does it feel being a gold digger and being able to live in a house like this without having to do a damn thing?" She smirked.

"Okay, that's bloody enough," Harry said. "You will leave right now or I'm calling the cops."

She looked over at Harry and smiled. She looked him up and down with a smirk on her face. You could tell she was checking him out, which pissed you off even more.

"Hm, such a shame you're wasting all that on someone like her," she smirked. "I've got some friends who would be perfect for you if you're interested."

"Yeah, I'm gonna pass on that," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Now, piss off already," you snapped.

You didn't even bother to make sure she was leaving as you turned around and went inside. You were livid and couldn't take it anymore. You were pissed she had come there, that she was getting inbetween you and your dad's business, and it really pissed you off that she was practically throwing herself at your boyfriend.

Not that he took the bait, but it was the point.

Harry followed you inside and walked over to you.

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