Finding the Strength - Part 36

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Harry sighed as he threw his phone to the side as he laid back on his bed. Once again his thumb hovered over your name as he contemplated calling you.

He didn't.

He was scared.

He was still heartbroken.

The break up had taken place almost four days ago. The numbness and confusion were still very much alive within him. He was hurting and he wanted nothing more than to reach out to you and ask for to reconsider, but he was afraid of hearing you say no.

Gemma had tried calling him since he left her place the next morning, but he didn't answer her phone calls. He didn't answer anyone's phone calls. He sat in his house, trying to focus on something other than you, but he could still smell your perfume throughout the house, even though it had been months since you had last been there.

Everything in his house, he would think of you. The kitchen brought on memories of the two of you cooking meals together. The living room held the moments of movie marathons and making love in front of the fireplace. While the bedroom held all of the loving moments shared between the two of you.

He knew he needed to fight for you, to prove to you that he only wanted you, to tell you that it didn't matter if you couldn't give him a child of his own... of the two of you, all that mattered was the two of you together.

But at that moment he didn't have the strength in him to fight for someone who wanted him gone. As he laid back on his bed, he stared up at the ceiling as a stream of wetness fell from his eyes and down his cheeks.


You stared at the screen of your laptop as you once again pressed delete while writing your blog post. You had thought maybe working would take your mind off of everything, but it was becoming quite apparent that it wasn't. You looked over at your phone on the table, next to your computer, and you stared at it willing for Harry to call or for it to somehow read your mind and call him.

But he never did and neither did your phone.

You sighed closing the laptop and pushing it away from you as you stared out into the city of London from your balcony. Miserable was an understatement on describing how you currently felt. You knew there was only one way to fix this and to feel better and that was to call Harry and make amends and get back together.

But your guilt over the situation kept you from doing so. As far as you knew you would always have the what if in regards to children and while there are other options for you to be a mother, you didn't want someone to also have to only have those options to be a father. And even if that wasn't an issue between you and Harry, the fact that you broke it off with him was.

Harry didn't deserve you in his life. He didn't deserve someone who just called it quits because they were being selfish. You kept telling yourself it was for him, hell you even told him it was for him, but in actuality it was you. It was all for you.

To keep you from being heartbroken and left at the altar or wherever on down the road. After everything that's happened, there'd be no way or reason for Harry to take you back. And honestly, he shouldn't.

And that's probably why he hasn't called.


Later that night, Harry finally pulled himself off his bed and jumped into the shower. Even though he didn't want to do anything, he needed to get out of that house. He needed fresh air and a change of scenery. After letting the heat from the shower relax him, he got out and quickly got dressed. He grabbed his keys and wallet before heading out the door.

Just when he thought getting a change of scenery was just what he needed, he realized that the majority of restaurants and cafe's near his home were the same places the two of you shared plenty of meals. He groaned wondering how his life had gotten wrapped up around you and your relationship. Harry finally decided on going someplace across town, away from the memories.

After being stuck in traffic for ages, he was parked outside of a fish and chip shop and walked inside. He waited in line for a bit before ordering and paid for the tab. He grabbed his food, once it was ready, and headed outside the shop to eat near the water at a table nearby.

Once again his phone started ringing and Gemma's picture came across. He sighed sending it to voicemail as he slowly took each bite of his food. As he looked around he saw a few couples holding hands and sharing their chips as they walked down the sidewalk. He caught one of them by the eyes and he gave them a small smile before going back to his own meal.

He then turned his gaze to the water as he took it all in. The wind started to pick up and it started to get a little chillier as it usually did whenever one was near the water. He saw a young man take off his own jacket and place it on the shoulders of his boyfriend's shoulders.

It didn't know what it was, but being out in the open, he gathered enough strength to pick up his phone and do more than hover over your name. He finally had enough courage inside of him to press down and call you. However, he didn't expect to hear your phone ringing from the other line behind him.

And he definitely didn't expect to turn around and see you standing there with your own fish and chips in one hand and your ringing phone in the other as you stared back at him. 

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Author's Note: 

Soooo sorry for being gone so long!! But now, I'm free for the Summer, so I'll be updating more! :)

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