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"If he ever hurts my daughter again, I will personally come after you and Queen industries. You understand?" Richard said, scowling at the women he was once friends with.

"Crystal clear, Mr. Wayne." Artemis said. throwing a glare of her own.

"So," Richard's scowl quickly melted. "How's your mom doing? Is she out of the hospital yet?" Said, not Mr. Richard Wayne, but Dick Grayson.

"She's doing better, she tried to get me to check her out yesterday, but I told her I wanted her to stay at least another day. Felicity is saying I should keep her over in Gotham as long as possible. At least while her and Loral solve the whole Jackson thing." Artemis sighed and Dick put a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry about the Jackson thing. I know Jack is a good kid and... Maybe I don't need to press charges." Artemis' face lit up and she hugged Dick. "Only, only if he comes and apologizes to Mari. And it's broadcasted." Dick said and Artemis' face fell.

"Cable, Gotham news, or National?" Artemis asked.

"National." Dick said. "Damian wanted to sign a temporary contract that let's Wayne Industries to help with the rebuilding of Star-Light city. I think a back cut of Jack apologizing while the sign is happening will be a good way to calm the media." Dick said nodding as if he were agreeing with himself.

"Okay, we wanna plan that for next month?" Artemis asked, bringing up a holo screen with a calendar on it.

"Let's say the 16th. It's two weeks away and both of use are free." Artemis started to laugh a little. "What's so funny?"

"You realize that the two of use work for a seventeen year old and a fourteen year old, that together, have the power and money to take over the world." Dick started to laugh as well.

"Hey, but Damian is almost out of college. And I'll kinda miss this job. I liked sitting in all of Bruce's chairs." Dick said.

"Okay, but are you gonna miss the constant nagging?" Artemis asked. Dick shook his head.

"But I go home and I still have to deal with nagging. And mine is from a thirteen year old girl and boy. Like, I have a new respect for you and Zatanna and all the female team members. If I was anything like TJ, I would've thought you guys would've hung me." Dick said, and Artemis glared at him.

"Don't say such bad things about TJ, he's an angel." Artemis said, hitting Dick in the shoulder.

"Okay, okay, but, the nagging won't be missed. At least Damian keeps me busy. Bruce has been paying me and I've been saving every cent up. Kori want's me to spend time with Mari and TJ as soon as I'm out from under Damian." Dick sighed. "Do you know anything about spending time with teenage boys?" 

"Well, you could always take him out on patrol and make the kid happy." Artemis said and Dick glared at her.

"You know my answer to that. TJ is like me. Human. Jason wouldn't want him to be Robin and neither do I. He doesn't even know that I'm-" Dick stopped and took in a breath. "He doesn't even know that I'm Nightwing." Dick was barely about to say it.

"How does he not know. He lives in Wayne manor. How could he not realize that Bruce was batman?" Artemis asked.

"Well, he's like me in more than one way. He doesn't have that long of an attention span. Yesterday I got a call from his school that he had his way to the a senior's math class and had just walked in and sat down. Apparently he took a test in calculous and the teacher didn't even realize he wasn't in there class till he graded the paper and couldn't find his name in the grade book." Dick laughed a little.

"Dick, you should really put the kid in online school. Last week you said he got on the wrong bus and went to the college. He's gonna learn more with an online school. And he won't have to deal with bullying and everything. And you could help him with work. It's not like your lacking in the knowledge part." Artemis said.

"I really don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult." Dick said. Artemis looked at her holo screen and sighed.

"Lets say compliment and leave. I need to get back to the Queen mansion before Jackson and Olli get back from golfing. See ya Dick." Artemis walked out of the office, leaving Dick standing there, alone.

"Bye Arty." 

DC PARENTS BOOK 1: After the cape!Where stories live. Discover now