3 Brothers, no way.

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"What did you do!" Shouted Artemis, Roy, Jackson, Arsenal (Arii), Dihan, Wally, and Jade. Wally and jade were sent by the justice league to protect Oliver if something happened at his meeting. Now they were there trying to stop Olli's children from killing him.

"What? You expected me to pick one of you?" Olli said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes!" Jackson shouted. He looked back to the other two. "Don't you guys think so?" He asked.

"I was really sure that Jackson would just get it." Roy said.

"Yeah, same, like he is the blood son." Arii commented.

"Wait, but why wasn't Artemis picked?" Jackson asked. Artemis' face went sour.

"Yeah, why wasn't I picked?" Artemis asked sternly.

"Guys, I don't care who takes over my buisness. I am 53! Artemis, you took over Green Arrow for me, so I thought you would be a little busy. And I picked all three of you because none of you could do it on your own. Roy, you have a kid, Arii, you tried to sneak off to Europe last week, and Jack, your fifteen! You guys all tried to leave. If anyone can tell you this, it's me. Once your a Queen, you are always a Queen. I almost died five times, and that was before I was even Green Arrow! I left on that boat with a father next to me, a mother back home, and a sister crying for me not to go. I watched my father shoot himself, I came back to my sisters drug induced grave, and I watched a man kill my mother with one of my arrows. I was twenty five when I took on the buisness and I wasn't ready. Roy, your ready, but you don't have the time. Arii, you have the time, but god knows you ain't ready. And Jack, you keep these two coming back everyday. Jade, Wally, this applies to you guys to. Once a Queen, Always a Queen." The room was silent for a few minutes. The Felicity came in laughing.

"I.. I'm sorry Olli, but, theres a man doing a hand stand outside the building." Roy's face emidetly got covered.

"Description Felicity?" Oliver asked.

"Black, shaved head, jeans, tank top, what looks to be tattoos on his arms. Oh, and he's barefoot." By this time Roy, Artemis, Jade, and Wally were laughing. Felicity brought up the sercurity cameras on the big screen in the room and now Dihan and Olli were laughing.

"Roy, why is your boyfriend doing a handstand outside my building?" Olli asked.

"He's not my- huhhh, okay, I have no idea. I'll go find out." Roy walked out of the room and down all the stairs. Everyone watched as he appeared on the screen. "Kaldur, what are you doing?" Kaldur got up and hugged Roy.

"You were gone too long. you left out these bottles of this magical drink. I kinda drank all of them, so we'll have to get more. I called you cause I wasn't feeling well, but you didn't answer, so I came over here to find you. The building is so big, it looks bigger than last time. Anyway, I got bored so I did a handstand." Kaldur told his story with very exagerated movements.

"Olli, I'm gonna take him ho-" Kaldur interupted him.

"Noooooo, come on! We are going and doing something! Now!" Kaldur started to pull Roy away and Roy look at the camera and mouthed 'Find Me'

"Oh, he's dead." Artemis said, still laughing.

"Yup." Wally agreeded.

"Okay, Oliver, I think your safe without me. I gotta get home, Lian is waiting, bye Queen's!" Jade said as she left.

"I guess I'm writing the report. Well, in that case, I guess I'll be leaving to. Babe, could you pick up Ricky from her party, thanks!" Wally then ran off down the stairs as Artemis tried to reached out for him.

"Wally!" But he was already gone. "Uh, okay, I guess I have to go pick my daughter. I will see you all tomorrow at nine a.m. See you then!" Artemis grabbed was halfway out the door before she realised something. "Actually I'll see you felicity tonight. Yeah, okay, bye!" Artemis took off.


"Ricky, are you sure your dad's coming to get you?" Asked a random mother. "I could take you home." 

"Nope, I'm fine!" A girl with red hair and a wide smile said. She had one of her front teeth knocked out and a bandaid over nose. That was when Artemis came rushing in.

"I hope I'm not late." Artemis said, seeing the bandaid and deciding to ask about it later.

"Oh, Artemis, your fine. Wasn't Wally coming to get Artemis?" The Mom asked.

"Yeah, he got caught up at the lab so he couldn't come to pick her up. I just rushed over here form work. I gotta get home, so, Ricky, go say goodbye please." RIcky jumped up and raced over to a boy about her age. 

"Cam!" Ricky held out her hands and he slamed his down on hers.

"Bye Ricky!" The boy said and she ran back over to Artemis. "Thank you Mrs. Sander."

"Your welcome Ricky. Bye Artemis." She said.

"Bye Katherin." Artemis walked with Ricky to the car as Ricky told her about what happend.

"Then we played Batman and Joker. I was Batman, but I ran into a door. Then Cam's mom gave me this cool bandaid!" Ricky pointed to it as she put on her seat belt.

"Hey Ricky, sense your dad isn't coming home soon, what would you think of going out and getting pizza?" Artemis asked and Ricky's face lit up.


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